Minder vette voeding tegen diabetes*
Uit een kleine studie onder 69 deelnemers met overgewicht en verder (nog) gezond blijkt dat een kleine verlaging van de inname van
vetten de kans op diabetes al duidelijk verlaagd wordt. Acht weken lang namen de deelnemers of minder vetten of minder koolhydraten in hun dagelijkse voeding. Minder vet leidden duidelijk tot een betere
insuline controle en hogere glucose tolerantie en daardoor een duidelijk lagere kans op het krijgen van
diabetes type-2.
Lowering Fat Intake Might Stave Off Diabetes Even Without Weight Loss
Small differences in diet even without weight loss can significantly affect risk for diabetes, according to research from the University of Alabama at Birmingham published by the American Journal of Clinical
In this study, 69 healthy, overweight people who did not have diabetes but were at risk for it were placed on diets with modest reductions in either fat or carbohydrate for eight weeks.
"At eight weeks, the group on the lower fat diet had significantly higher insulin secretion and better glucose tolerance and tended to have higher insulin sensitivity," said Barbara Gower, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Nutrition Sciences at UAB and lead author of the study. "These improvements indicate a decreased risk for diabetes."
Gower says the unique aspect of this study is that the results were independent of weight loss. The study participants were fed exactly the amount of food required to maintain their body weight, and the researchers took into account any minor fluctuations in body weight during analyses. Thus, results from this study suggest that those trying to minimize risk for diabetes over the long term might consider limiting their daily consumption of fat at around 27 percent of their diet.
"People find it hard to lose weight," said Gower. "What is important about our study is that the results suggest that attention to diet quality, not quantity, can make a difference in risk for type 2 diabetes."
Source: University of Alabama at Birmingham (Oktober 2011)