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Hoge bloedwaarden koper en ijzer slecht voor senioren*
Voor jonge mensen zijn hoge bloedwaarden koper en ijzer goed voor een goede gezondheid doch voor mensen ouder dan 50 jaar geven hoge bloedwaarden koper en ijzer flink meer kans op de ziekte van Alzheimer, hart- en vaatziektes en andere ouderdomsziekten. Belangrijk is daarom dat senioren supplementen met koper en ijzer achterwege laten, voeding rijk aan koper en ijzer zoals vlees verminderen, regelmatig bloed geven om het ijzergehalte te verminderen en zinktabletten nemen om de koperopname te verminderen.
Scientific evidence links high levels of copper and iron to age-related disorders
With scientific evidence linking high levels of copper and iron to Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, and other age-related disorders, a new report in ACS' Chemical Research in Toxicology suggests specific steps that older consumers can take to avoid build up of unhealthy amounts of these metals in their bodies. "This story of copper and iron toxicity, which I think is reaching the level of public health significance, is virtually unknown to the general medical community, to say nothing of complete unawareness of the public," George J. Brewer states in the report.
The article points out that copper and iron are essential nutrients for life, with high levels actually beneficial to the reproductive health of younger people. After age 50, however, high levels of these metals can damage cells in ways that may contribute to a range of age-related diseases.
"It seems clear that large segments of the population are at risk for toxicities from free copper and free iron, and to me, it seems clear that preventive steps should begin now." The article details those steps for people over age 50, including avoiding vitamin and mineral pills that contain cooper and iron; lowering meat intake: avoiding drinking water from copper pipes; donating blood regularly to reduce iron levels; and taking zinc supplements to lower copper levels.
Source: American Chemical Society (Juni 2010)


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