Kaneel tegen diabetes en hart- en vaatziektes*
Uit een kleine studie blijkt dat kaneel wel eens kan helpen
diabetes type-2 te voorkomen. De deelnemers in de studie hadden overgewicht en werden op hun reactie op insuline aangemerkt als pre-diabetes, een voorstadium van diabetes. 12 weken lang kregen zij 2x per dag 250 mg kaneelextract. Na 12 weken bleek hun anti-oxidantstatus met wel 13-23% verbeterd en hadden zij lagere bloedsuikerwaarden. Volgens de onderzoekers zal kaneel goed kunnen helpen doch is een
goed gewicht ook belangrijk ter voorkoming van diabetes.
Cinnamon extract reduces risk of diabetes and heart disease
A recent study headed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has identified a link between cinnamon intake and reduced risk of diabetes and heart disease. According to the research, water-soluble cinnamon extract, which is high in antioxidants, helps to decrease glucose levels in the blood as well as reduce oxidative stress in the body.
Richard Anderson, a chemist with the USDA and study lead, and his colleagues evaluated 22 participants who were obese and considered to be "pre-diabetic" based on their cells' interaction with insulin. The team divided the participants into two groups, one of which received a placebo, and another that received 250 milligrams (mg) of dried, water-soluble cinnamon extract twice a day for 12 weeks. Blood was collected after an overnight fast at the beginning of the study, after six weeks, and after 12 weeks to measure the changes in blood glucose and antioxidants.
The study demonstrated that the water-soluble cinnamon extract improved a number of antioxidant variables by as much as 13 to 23 percent, and improvement in antioxidant status was correlated with decreases in fasting glucose, according to Anderson.
Pre-diabetes is a condition in which blood glucose levels are higher than normal, and the cells that would normally accept insulin from the pancreas in order to lower these levels begin to reject it. If not addressed quickly, pre-diabetes can quickly develop into full diabetes.
Based on the study, cinnamon is a viable, natural treatment for maintaining healthy blood glucose levels and preventing the onset of diabetes. Other studies have also shown that cinnamon plays a vital role in maintaining healthy circulation and energy levels in the body.
"Recent studies show that cinnamon stimulates circulation and boosts the ability of insulin to metabolize glucose and carry it into cells for energy production," explain Stephen Sinatra, M.D., and James C. Roberts, M.D., in their book Reverse Heart Disease Now: Stop Deadly Cardiovascular Plaque Before It's Too Late.
(December 2010)