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Gezonde leeftstijl reduceert de kans op een beroerte met 80%*
Uit een Amerikaanse publicatie blijkt dat de kans op een beroerte net zo als andere ziektes zoals hart-, vaatziektes en kanker fors verlaagd kan worden door veranderingen in leefstijl. Niet roken, geen overgewicht, regelmatig bewegen en gezonde voeding met veel groenten en fruit blijken de kans op een beroerte met 80% te doen afnemen. De gevolgen van een slechte leefstijl zijn vooral hoge bloeddruk, hoog cholesterol en te laag goed cholesterol (HDL) en die factoren verhogen de kans op een beroerte fors.
Diet and lifestyle strategies reduce risk of stroke by eighty percent
Stroke is a debilitating and often deadly condition that strikes more than 800,000 people each year and ranks as the third leading cause of death. A stroke is caused by a blockage of blood flow to the brain from either a clot or blood vessel constriction. The condition is largely the result of poor lifestyle choices that cause arterial stiffening, alter metabolism and blood lipids and raise blood pressure. Fortunately you can dramatically lower your risk of stroke by making lifestyle changes; include targeted nutritional supplements shown to insulate against this devastating condition.
Study Shows First Stroke Risk can be Slashed by 80%
Along with heart disease and cancer, stroke can be categorized as another preventable lifestyle disease. Information published in the Journal of the American Heart Association publication Stroke explains that first time stroke incidence can be lowered by 80% by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Modifiable lifestyle changes include not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight and regular physical activity and eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
The study finds that the two most important factors for lowering stroke risk include reducing blood pressure and improving blood lipid and cholesterol ratios. Increased blood pressure is known to lead to arterial stiffening or hardening of the arteries that is a significant risk factor for a first stroke.
Elevated levels of oxidized LDL cholesterol and low protective HDL cholesterol add fuel to the inflammatory fires that cause damage to the inner lining of blood vessel walls. The report concluded that the rise in stroke incidence was mainly due to population aging and increases in obesity.
De publicatie.
(Maart 2011) 




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