en omega-3 vetzuren tegen postnatale depressies.*
depressies komen in veel samenlevingen voor. Vaak wel in 10-20% van de vrouwen.
Omdat een postnatale depressie nogal vergaande gevolgen heeft voor moeder en
kind is het belangrijk deze zoveel mogelijk te bestrijden. Een van de
belangrijkste oorzaken voor het ontstaan van de depressie is de sterk verhoogde
waarde van de proteďne cytokine die een rol speelt in de immuunafweer en bij
ontstekingsreacties. Deze verhoging begint in de laatste drie maanden van de
zwangerschap en de eerste maanden na de geboorte. Omega-3 vetzuren zoals EPA en
DHA zijn goede ontstekingsremmers die de kans op een depressie sterk kunnen
verminderen. Stress doet ontstekingsreacties verder toenemen. Door borstvoeding
te geven is er veel minder stress en daardoor minder kans op een depressie.
Voorwaarde is wel dat de borstvoeding zonder “technische” problemen verloopt
want anders wordt de stress juist groter met een averechts resultaat.
and the good fats in Omega-3 fatty acids help new moms fight depression,
according to a new article published in the most recent issue of the International
Breastfeeding Journal by a University of New Hampshire researcher.
The review was authored by Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, a health psychologist and
researcher at UNH's Crimes against Children Research Center. Kendall-Tackett
presents her findings in the article "A New Paradigm for Depression in New
Mothers: The Central Role of Inflammation and How Breastfeeding and
Anti-Inflammatory Treatments Protect Maternal Mental Health." The full
article is available at
"Depression in new mothers is common in many cultures, affecting anywhere
from 10 percent to 20 percent of postpartum women. In some high-risk populations,
the percentage can even be as high as 40 percent or 50 percent. Since depression
has devastating effects on both mother and baby, it's vital that it be
identified and treated promptly. Depressed mothers are also more likely to stop
breastfeeding with negative health effects for each," Kendall-Tackett said.
According to Kendall-Tackett, physical and psychological stressors increase
inflammation, which is one of the top contributors to depression in new mothers.
Most current treatments for depression, including the long-chain Omega-3 fatty
acids EPA and DHA, are anti-inflammatory.
New mothers experience an increase in inflammation because of increased levels
of proinflammatory cytokines. These levels dramatically increase in the last
trimester of pregnancy and continue to elevate during the postpartum period.
Moreover, common experiences of new motherhood, such as sleep disturbance,
postpartum pain, and past or current psychological trauma, act as stressors that
cause proinflammatory cytokine levels to rise, according to Kendall-Tackett.
"Breastfeeding protects maternal mood by lowering stress. When stress
levels are lower, the mother's inflammatory response system will not be
activated, thereby lowering her risk of depression," she said. "However
positive these results, I must issue one caveat: they only apply when
breastfeeding is going well. As noted earlier, when breastfeeding that is not
going well, particularly if there is pain, it becomes a trigger to depression
rather than something that lessens the risk. Mothers' mental health is yet
another reason to intervene quickly when breastfeeding difficulties arise."
Kendall-Tackett chairs the New Hampshire Breastfeeding Taskforce and is an
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. Her current research
interests include the impact of maternal depression and the psychological
aspects of breastfeeding. She recently developed a curriculum and resource guide
for health care providers, "A Breastfeeding-Friendly Approach to Depression
in New Mothers." It is available at
(Juni 2007) (Opm.
Omega-3 vetzuren al tijdens de zwangerschap blijken uit eerdere
onderzoeken ook heel belangrijk te zijn voor de ontwikkeling van de foetus.)