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Vitamine C tegen stralingsschade*
Uit een Japanse studie uitgevoerd onder 16 werkers aan de door een tsunami beschadigde Fukushima kerncentrale blijkt dat toediening van antioxidanten, in het bijzonder vitamine C kan beschermen tegen de schadelijke gevolgen van straling en daardoor tegen kanker. Vijf tot zes weken werkten de mensen in de kerncentrale en waren ze blootgesteld aan hoge straling. Sommige van hen kregen vooraf grote dosis vitamine C per injectie en verder nog alfa-liponzuur en vitamine E. Deze werkers bleken hierdoor volledig beschermd te zijn tegen de straling. De andere medewerkers die vooraf niets gekregen hadden bleken na afloop duidelijk DNA schade te hebben. Zij kregen nu twee maanden lang hoge dosis vitamine C, ook in de Lypo-Spheric vorm en het alfa-liponzuur en vitamine E. Na die twee maanden was de schade in het lichaam ook bij hen verdwenen.
Vitamin C proven to help protect Fukushima victims from radiation poisoning, cancer
Pretreatment with intravenous vitamin C and other oral antioxidants has been demonstrated once again to provide significant protection against radiation poisoning and cancer. Dr. Atsuo Yanagisawa, M.D., Ph.D., from the Japanese College of IV Therapy recently conducted a study which found that Fukushima workers who underwent a high-dose vitamin C pretreatment prior to handling radioactive debris during cleanup efforts were protected against DNA damage and cancer.
The Orthomolecular Medicine News Service (OMNS) reports that Dr. Yanagisawa evaluated 16 men between the ages of 32 and 59 that worked between five and six weeks in a high-radiation area of Fukushima. Some of the men received 25,000 milligrams (mg) of intravenous vitamin C therapy along with oral intake of other powerful antioxidants like alpha-lipoic acid and vitamin E prior to entering the contaminated area, while the others received no pretreatment at all.
After taking blood samples from all the men and evaluating them for whole blood count and chemistry, as well as for plasma levels of free DNA and 47 cancer-related gene expressions, Dr. Yanagisawa and his team found that those who received the vitamin C therapy experienced no increase in cancer risk or change in free DNA. Those who did not receive the treatment, on the other hand, had significantly increased cancer risk.
Those who did not receive pretreatment, but that received a post-treatment intervention with the same regimen for two months, however, saw their heightened free DNA levels return to normal. Their overall cancer risk score also returned back to normal, illustrating the incredible power of vitamin C and other antioxidants to protect against, and even reverse, the damage caused by radiation.
"This important clinical demonstration confirms research done nearly 20 years ago showing that pretreatment with vitamin C, by oral intake or injection, increased sperm head survival after the injection of radioactive Iodine-131 in mice," says the OMNS report.
Vitamin C is one of the most powerful nutrients in protecting against cell-damaging free radicals. And while ascorbic acid, the popular isolated version of vitamin C, has its demonstrable therapeutic uses, the camu camu berry is one of the most powerful vitamin C-rich superfoods for gaining the same health benefits naturally. The acerola cherry is also another vitamin C-dense superfood with amazing radio-protective abilities.
De studie. (April 2012) 



