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Chocola met olijfolie voor een gezond hart
Uit een Italiaanse studie, gepresenteerd op het jaarlijkse congres van de European Society of Cardiology, blijkt dat de combinatie donkere chocolade met extra virgin olijfolie zeer goed is voor hart- en bloedvaten. In de studie onder 26 vrijwilligers, allen met drie van de vier risicofactoren voor hartproblemen, kregen de deelnemers vier weken lang of 40 gram donkere chocolade met daarin 4 gram extra virgin olijfolie of 40 gram donkere chocolade met daarin 1 gram gedroogde appel, van een soort die bekend staat om het risico op hart- en vaatziekten te verminderen. Metabolische veranderingen, cholesterolprofiel en bloeddruk werden vóór, gedurende en na het onderzoek gecontroleerd. Alle deelnemers bleken na afloop duidelijk voordelen te hebben m.b.t. de kans op hart- en vaatziekten. Alleen het eten van de chocolade met de extra virgin olijfolie zorgde voor duidelijk betere waarden goed cholesterol (HDL) en zorgde ook voor duidelijk meer cellen die helpen bij het repareren van bloedvatschade en voor metabolische veranderingen die verband houden met het verminderen van de kans op hart- en vaatziekten.
De studie, zie hieronder. (September 2017)

Abstract: P5319
Extra virgin olive oil and apples enriched-dark chocolate consumption and endothelial function: a randomized crossover trial in patients with cardiovascular risk factors
R. Di Stefano1, F. Felice1, E. Belardinelli1, V. Domenici2, M. Cifelli2, L. Sebastiani3, A. Francini3, V. Di Bello1, M. Romi4, C. Cantini5, 1Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Department - University of Pisa - Pisa - Italy, 2University of Pisa, Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry - Pisa - Italy, 3Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, BioLabs, Institute of Life Sciences - Pisa - Italy, 4University of Siena, Scienze ambientali - Siena - Italy, 5IVALSA-CNR - Florence - Italy, 
Prevention - Interventions and outcomes
European Heart Journal ( 2017 ) 38 ( Supplement ), 1119-1120
Funding Acknowledgements: 
Regione Toscana-PRAF 2012-2015
Background: Consumption of cocoa products has been related to health benefits including cardiovascular system. Several studies have assigned also to the extra virgin olive oil (EVO) as well as apples consumption beneficial effect on human health. Blood circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) are critical for vascular repair and maintenance of endothelial function and resulted reduced in patients with cardiovascular risk factors.
Purpose: This study examines the effects of EVO and apple-enriched dark chocolate intake on EPCs blood levels and endogenous metabolites in free living subjects with cardiovascular risk factors.
Methods: In a randomized, single-masked, cross-over trial, 30 adults (51±9 years of age) with at least three cardiovascular risk factors (among smoke, dyslipidemia, hypertension and family history for cardiovascular disease), received a solid dark chocolate bar (40 g/day) containing 10% EVO and a solid dark chocolate bar containing 2.5% dry apples in random order over 28 days. Urine and blood samples were collected at baseline and after the intervention. Urine samples were analyzed by proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) spectroscopy for endogenous metabolites. Circulating EPCs (CD133+/KDR+/CD34+) levels by flow cytometry. Age, sex, smoking status, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure (BP), glycemia and lipid profile were monitored in all subjects.
Results: 26 volunteers (M/F 14/12) completed the study. Comparison of pre-post intervention revealed: a positive trend in HDL levels and a moderate decrease of blood pressure associated with EVO-dark chocolate consumption, whereas apple-dark chocolate decreased triglyceride levels, although not significantly. Interestingly, EVO-dark chocolate consumption induced a significant increase of circulating EPC levels compared to apples-dark chocolate consumption (174±99 vs 125±96, P<0.05). NMR data revealed a decrease of 2 metabolites involved in cardiovascular risk, linked with carnitine metabolism and hyppurate.
Conclusion(s): Consumption of enriched dark chocolate resulted in modification of metabolism with potential long-term consequences on cardiovascular health within 4 weeks. However, only EVO-dark chocolate consumption results in improvement of endothelial function, associated with the increase of EPC circulating levels, probably due to the additive effect of EVO polyphenols.



