Kanker en bloedstolsels?*
Al langer is bekend dat kankerpatiënten een verhoogde kans op bloedstolsels in de benen
kunnen krijgen.
Een Zweedse studie onder 76.000 mannen laat zien dat bij prostaatkanker de kans op een diep-veneuze
trombose wel 2,5 hoger is en de kans op een
longembolie wel 2 keer hoger is.
Prostate cancer ‘increases the risk of blood clots’ new study shows
Men with prostate cancer are more than twice as likely to suffer a blood clot as other males, a study of 76,000 Swedish men suggests.
Younger men undergoing hormone therapy for the disease were 2½ times more likely than average to have a deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) and were nearly twice as much at risk of a pulmonary embolism, says the study in The Lancet Oncology, by a team led by Mieke Van Hemelrijck, of King’s College London.
Having any form of cancer is associated with an increased chance of developing a clot, which commonly develop in the legs or lungs, for reasons that are not entirely clear.
As many as half of all patients treated in hospital are at risk of developing a blood clot in the legs which can then move to the lungs. But the new study is the first to demonstrate the specific association between clotting and prostate cancer.
For men who had received curative treatment the risk was doubled for pulmonary embolism and 1.73 times higher for DVT.
The experts advise patients to consult a doctor before changing treatment. (Oktober 2010)