Omega-3 vetzuren voor sterke botten.*
Uit eerdere dierenstudies was al gebleken dat omega-3 vetzuren, zoals die ruim gevonden worden in o.a. lijnzaad en vis, de botvorming en dichtheid doen bevorderen. Uit deze studie onder 78 jongen mannen van 16 tot 24 jaar blijkt dat omega-3 vetzuren inderdaad zorgen voor grotere botdichtheid. Op geregelde tijdstippen werden tijdens de studie werden botgroei, botdichtheid en bloedwaarden aan vetzuren gemeten. Duidelijk werd dat zij met de hoogste bloedwaarden aan omega-3, in het bijzonder DHA, veruit de beste botgroei en grootste botdichtheid hadden.
fatty acids linked to denser bones in men
Omega-3 fatty acids may
help build young men's bone strength, research hints.
In the study, men who had
the highest levels of omega-3s in their blood as 22-year-olds showed the
greatest bone mineral density, and also built the most bone between their late
teens and their early 20s, Dr. Magnus Hogstrom and colleagues from Umea
University in Umea, Sweden found.
The amount of bone
mineral people accumulate as adolescents and young adults is considered a key
factor in whether or not they will develop the brittle bone disease osteoporosis
later on, Hogstrom and his team note the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Animal studies have
suggested omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish and flaxseed as well as
other food sources, may promote bone formation and density, they add.
To investigate whether
omega-3s might play a role in bone strength, the researchers followed 78 young
men from age 16 to 24. They measured bone mineral density at three points in the
course of the study, and checked blood levels of fatty acids when the men were
Higher blood levels of
omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), were linked to
greater bone mineral density in the body and the spine at age 22. Higher levels
of omega-3s were also tied to greater accumulation of spinal bone mineral
density between age 16 and age 22.
Omega-3 fatty acids, the
authors point out, might influence bone formation by affecting calcium
metabolism or the formation of collagen. "More studies are needed to
confirm our results and investigate the relationship between individual
polyunsaturated fatty acids and BMD further," they conclude.
The study "nicely
adds to a growing body of evidence that omega-3 fatty acids are also beneficial
to bone health," Drs. Chaim Vanek and William E. Connor of Oregon Health
& Science University in Portland write in an editorial accompanying the
SOURCE: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2007. (April 2007) (Opm. Meer over omega-3 vetzuren)