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Co-enzym Q10 en de ziekte ALS*
Wellicht kan de bioactieve stof co-enzym Q10 goed werk doen bij de ziekte ALS (Amyotrofe laterale sclerose), zo blijkt uit een kleine Japanse studie. In de studie kreeg een 75 jarige medische onderzoeker met ALS vier weken lang 2x per dag 200 mg ubiquinol, daarna 2x 500 mg per dag en daarna weer de 200 mg. Ubiquinol is de gereduceerde vorm van co-enzym Q10 die veel beter in het lichaam opgenomen wordt. De onderzoeker bleek duidelijk verbeteringen te hebben en werd het verlies aan spiermassa gereduceerd..
"Effects of Coenzyme Q10 Administration in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). Report of a Case and Review," Kawasaki T, Singh RB, et al, The Open Nutraceuticals Journal, 2012; 5: 187-192. (Address: Center for Health and Sports Science, Kyushu Sangyo University, Fukuoka, Japan).
In this case report and review, a 75 year old medical scientist (unbiased for treatment with coenzyme Q10) with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, insidious onset and gradually progressive), was treated with a highly bioavailable form of coenzyme Q10 (solubilized ubiquinol, Tishcon Corp., NY), starting at 200 mg, twice daily for 4 weeks (at which point he already experienced improvements), followed by 500 mg, twice daily, and then back down to 200 mg twice daily, was found to have significant improvements in symptoms, including improvements in hand grip power, and a slowing of the progression of muscle wasting. Background on the patient - in September 2000, he presented with symptoms of weakness in his left leg, along with cramps in the left calf muscle with steppage gate, and as the disease progressed, he experienced wasting of muscles, fasiculations, and exaggerated reflexes, as well as rapid deterioration in hand grip power in the left hand and weakness in the left lower limb, followed by right limbs with inability to walk or perform routine activities. The marked improvements this patient experienced are promising and offer hope that treatment with highly solubilized ubiquinol may benefit patients with ALS. Additional research is needed and warranted to confirm these findings.
De studie. (Januari 2013)



