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Kruisbloemige groenten tegen kanker*
Uit een Europese analyse van verschillende studies blijkt dat het eten van kruisbloemige groenten zoals o.m. broccoli, bloemkool en spruiten de kans op allerlei kankersoorten duidelijk doet verminderen. Een keer per week een portie kruisbloemige groenten doet de kans op mondkankers en borstkanker met 17% verminderen, slokdarmkanker met 28% en nierkanker met 32%.

De studie.

Cruciferous vegetables and cancer risk in a network of case–control studies
1. C. Bosetti1,*, 2. M. Filomeno1, 3. P. Riso2, 4. J. Polesel3, 5. F. Levi4, 6. R. Talamini3, 7. M. Montella5, 8. E. Negri1, 9. S. Franceschi6 and 10. C. La Vecchia1,7 + Author Affiliations
1. 1Department of Epidemiology, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche ‘Mario Negri’, Milan 
2. 2Department of Food Science and Microbiology, Division of Human Nutrition, University of Milan, Milan 
3. 3Unit of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Centro di Riferimento Oncologico, Aviano (Pordenone), Italy 
4. 4Cancer Epidemiology Unit and Registre Vaudois des Tumeurs, Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive, Lausanne, Switzerland 
5. 5Unit of Epidemiology, Istituto Tumori ‘Fondazione Pascale’, Naples, Italy 
6. 6International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France 
7. 7Department of Occupational Health, University of Milan, Milan, Italy 
1. ↵*Correspondence to: Dr C. Bosetti, Department of Epidemiology, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche ‘Mario Negri’, Via Giuseppe La Masa 19, 20156 Milan, Italy. Tel: +39-0239014526; Fax: +39-0233200231; E-mail: cristina.bosetti@marionegri.it
Background Cruciferous vegetables have been suggested to protect against various cancers, though the issue is open to discussion. To further understand their role, we analyzed data from a network of case–control studies conducted in Italy and Switzerland. 
Patients and methods The studies included a total of 1468 cancers of the oral cavity/pharynx, 505 of the esophagus, 230 of the stomach, 2390 of the colorectum, 185 of the liver, 326 of the pancreas, 852 of the larynx, 3034 of the breast, 367 of the endometrium, 1031 of the ovary, 1294 of the prostate, 767 of the kidney, and 11 492 controls. All cancers were incident, histologically confirmed; controls were subjects admitted to the same network of hospitals as cases for a wide spectrum of acute nonneoplastic conditions. 
Results The multivariate odds ratio (OR) for consumption of cruciferous vegetables at least once a week as compared with no/occasional consumption was significantly reduced for cancer of the oral cavity/pharynx (OR = 0.83), esophagus (OR = 0.72), colorectum (OR = 0.83), breast (OR = 0.83), and kidney (OR = 0.68). The OR was below unity, but not significant, for stomach (OR = 0.90), liver (OR = 0.72), pancreatic (OR = 0.90), laryngeal (OR = 0.84), endometrial (OR = 0.93), ovarian (OR = 0.91), and prostate (OR = 0.87) cancer. 
Conclusion This large series of studies provides additional evidence of a favorable effect of cruciferous vegetables on several common cancers. (Oktober 2012)



