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Bewerkte voeding en fastfood geven hoge kans op hartproblemen*
Uit een Chinese studie blijkt dat niet alleen hoge waarden totaal cholesterol en slecht cholesterol (LDL) de kans op een hartaanval kunnen verhogen doch dat er nog een vorm van cholesterol te weten oxycholesterol bestaat die nog veel gevaarlijker is voor uw hart. Oxycholesterol is een geoxideerde vorm van cholesterol die het ontstaan van aderverkalking flink kan doen toenemen. Oxycholesterol ontstaat als vet in aanwezigheid van zuurstof (lucht) bij hogere temperatuur, zoals bijv. bakken en frituren behandeld wordt. Kant en klare voeding en in het bijzonder fastfood bevatten vaak grote hoeveelheden oxycholesterolen.
The Greatest Heart Disease Risk May Come From Little Known Type Of Cholesterol
Health-conscious people know that high levels of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (the so-called "bad" cholesterol) can increase the risk of heart attacks. Now scientists are reporting that another form of cholesterol called oxycholesterol - virtually unknown to the public - may be the most serious cardiovascular health threat of all. Scientists from China presented one of the first studies on the cholesterol-boosting effects of oxycholesterol t the 238th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society. The researchers hope their findings raise public awareness about oxycholesterol, including foods with the highest levels of the substance and other foods that can combat oxycholesterol's effects. 
"Total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), and the heart-healthy high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) are still important health issues," says study leader Zhen-Yu Chen, Ph.D., of Chinese University of Hong Kong. "But the public should recognize that oxycholesterol is also important and cannot be ignored. Our work demonstrated that oxycholesterol boosts total cholesterol levels and promotes atherosclerosis ["hardening of the arteries"] more than non-oxidized cholesterol." 
Fried and processed food, particularly fast-food, contains high amounts of oxycholesterol. Avoiding these foods and eating a diet that is rich in antioxidants, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, may help reduce its levels in the body, the researchers note. 
Michael Woods 
American Chemical Society (
Oktober 2009)


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