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Onbeschermd zonnen goed voor de aanmaak van vitamine D*
Zeven Britse organisaties hebben gezamenlijk het advies uitgebracht om 's middags korte tijd onbeschermd in de zomerzon te zitten. Dit omdat de huid onder invloed van zonlicht vitamine D aanmaakt. Het is goed om meerdere keren in de week tien a vijftien minuten zonder zonnebrandcrème op in de zomerzon door te brengen. Het advies werd afgegeven omdat deskundigen vermoeden dat de angst voor huidkanker mensen te voorzichtig heeft gemaakt met zonnestraling. Volgens de experts is het prima om even in de felle zon te komen, zolang mensen de onbeschermde huid voordat hij rood wordt bedekken met kleding of insmeren.
Joint position statement issued to provide vitamin D clarity.
Sunlight is one of the best natural sources of vitamin D, which helps build healthy bones and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Our consumer surveys have shown that awareness of the importance of vitamin D is low and many people do not know how to get enough vitamin D to support healthy bones. Few people realise that the best way of getting vitamin D is through exposure to sunlight.
To help clarify the issue, the National Osteoporosis Society has joined with the British Association of Dermatologists, Cancer Research UK Diabetes UK, the Multiple Sclerosis Society, the National Heart Forum, and the Primary Care Dermatology Society to issue a joint position statement on vitamin D.
Download the statement here
If you are fair-skinned, have lots of moles and freckles or have a family history of skin cancer, you should be particularly careful in the sun to reduce your risk of skin cancer, and avoid the strong sunshine in the middle of the day. 
Our annual Sunlight Campaign promotes the following messages:
1. Exposure to sunlight every day between May and September will increase Vitamin D and help to keep bones healthy. 
2. Sunlight is the best natural source of Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps our bodies to process calcium effectively and therefore is essential for healthy bones. 
3. You should try to get 10 minutes of sun exposure to your bare skin, once or twice a day (depending on skin type), without sunscreen and taking care not to burn. 
4. Always take care not to burn, especially during the strong sunshine in the middle of the day. Babies and children have very sensitive skin and need careful protection. 
5. Even on cloudy days, your body can still produce Vitamin D from sunlight but it can take a little longer. 
6. Get outside between May and September so that your body can produce enough Vitamin D to help see you through the winter months. (December 2010)



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