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TV reclame over voeding promoot slechte voedingsgewoontes*
Uit een studie, weliswaar in Amerika blijkt dat het eten van voeding, die op de TV in advertenties gepromoot wordt, niet best is voor de gezondheid. Als je een standaard 2.000 Kcal dieet samenstelt uit de gepromote voeding dan consumeer je 20x de aanbevolen hoeveelheid vet, 25x de aanbevolen hoeveelheid suiker, teveel zout, slechts de helft van de aanbevolen hoeveelheden groenten en fruit en te weinig vezels en vitamines.
TV Food Ads Promote Bad Diets 
Study found they peddle huge amounts of sugar and fat, with few fruits and vegetables 
If you let TV ads determine what you eat, you'll end up with huge amounts of fat and sugar but precious few vegetables and fruits in your diet.
That's the finding of a new study that analyzes what would happen if a person were to eat 2,000 calories of foods that are advertised on the tube. 
Researchers found that such a diet would include 25 times the recommended servings of sugar and 20 times the recommended servings of fat in a daily diet. But it would include less than half the recommended servings of vegetables, fruit and dairy products.
"The results of this study suggest the foods advertised on television tend to oversupply nutrients associated with chronic illness -- e.g., saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium -- and undersupply nutrients that help protect against illness -- e.g., fiber, Vitamins A, E and D, calcium and potassium," lead investigator Michael Mink, an assistant professor at Armstrong Atlantic State University, said in a news release.
Researchers came to their conclusions after analyzing the food advertised during 84 hours of prime-time broadcasts and 12 hours of Saturday morning broadcasts during a month in 2004.
The findings appear in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. (Augustus 2010)



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