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Geen kant en klare voeding en goede voedselbereiding voor een goede gezondheid*
Uit een kleine Amerikaanse studie onder ruim 350 gezonde mensen en patiënten met een erfelijke nierziekte, blijkt dat het niet eten van kant en klare voeding en een goede voedselbereiding kan zorgen voor aanzienlijk minder toxische stoffen in het lichaam en daardoor veel minder kans op ontstekingsziektes en een beter immuunsysteem. In kant en klare voeding en fastfood zitten vaak veel AGE’s (advanced gycation end products). AGE’s komen vrij door reacties van suiker, eiwitten en bepaalde vetten. Als de voeding bij hoge temperaturen in afwezigheid van water gebakken wordt stijgt hun aantal fors. Ook bij sterilisatie en pasteurisatie en andere manieren van bereiding van kant en klare voeding worden AGE’s geproduceerd. Als AGE’s in het lichaam komen hechten ze zich aan de weefsels en oxideren waardoor ontstekingen ontstaan. Hoge waarden AGE’s in het lichaam verhogen het risico op ziektes als diabetes, hartziektes, nierziektes en andere chronische ziektes. In de studie kreeg een groep een gewoon Westers dieet met veel AGE’s, een andere groep kreeg adviezen over de bereiding van het voedsel  -het vermijden van grillen, frituren en bakken en meer stomen, pocheren en smoren-  waardoor er de helft minder AGE’s in de voeding zaten. Beide diëten hadden dezelfde ingrediënten en dezelfde hoeveelheid calorieën. Na 4 maanden hadden de deelnemers met het lage AGE dieet bijna 60% minder bloedmerkers voor ontstekingen. Patiënten met de nierziekte hadden na 1 maand al deze daling bereikt. Zo lijkt het dat oxidanten nog erger kunnen zijn dan genetische aanleg in het ondermijnen van een goed immuunsysteem.
Avoiding foods high in AGE toxins can reduce inflammation and restore the body's natural defenses
Researchers from Mount Sinai School of Medicine report that cutting back on the consumption of processed and fried foods, which are high in toxins called Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs), can reduce inflammation and actually help restore the body's natural defenses regardless of age or health status. These benefits are present even without changing caloric or nutrient intake.
The findings, published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, provide a simple dietary intervention that could result in weight loss and have significant impact on several epidemic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, and kidney disease. 
The findings are the result of a clinical study involving over 350 people which was conducted in collaboration with, and with support from, the National Institute on Aging (NIA). The study builds on earlier research conducted in animal models that demonstrated the effective prevention of these diseases and even the extension of lifespan by consuming a reduced AGE diet. 
"What is noteworthy about our findings is that reduced AGE consumption proved to be effective in all study participants, including healthy persons and persons who have a chronic condition such as kidney disease," said the study's lead author Helen Vlassara, MD, Professor and Director of the Division of Experimental Diabetes and Aging at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. 
"This suggests that oxidants may play a more active role than genetics in overwhelming our body's defenses, which we need to fight off disease. It has been said that nature holds the power, but the environment pulls the trigger. The good news is that unlike genetics, we can control oxidant levels, which may not be an accompaniment to disease and aging, but instead due to the cumulative toxic influence of AGEs," said Dr. Vlassara.
AGEs are harmful substances that are abundant in Western diets, and proliferate when foods are heated, pasteurized, dried, smoked, fried or grilled. Once absorbed in the body, AGEs adhere to tissues and oxidize them, causing inflammation which in turn can lead to disease. Numerous animal studies conducted by Dr. Vlassara and her team have shown that oxidative stress from high oxidant levels and inflammation related to long-term exposure to AGEs may increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease and other chronic conditions. 
For the study, a subset of 40 healthy participants who were either between the ages or 18 and 45 or older than 60, and another nine patients with kidney disease, were randomly assigned to one of two diets. One group followed their own regular Western diet that was rich in AGEs. The second group followed a diet of similar caloric and nutrient content, but with only one-half the amount of AGEs, known as the "AGE-less diet." Participants in the AGE-less intervention were advised to avoid grilling, frying or baking their food and instead were instructed to poach, stew, or steam their meals. There was no change in calories or nutrient intake during this period.
After four months on the AGE-less diet, blood AGE levels, lipid peroxides, inflammatory markers, and biomarkers of vascular function declined by as much as 60 percent in healthy participants. A reduction of similar magnitude was found in kidney patients after only one month on the AGE-less diet. 
Researchers also found a positive effect on a cellular receptor for AGEs called AGER1, which is critical for the clearance of toxic AGEs from the body. The number of copies of the AGER1 gene was measured in circulating blood cells. Since this number was severely suppressed in participants with kidney disease, all of whom had very high levels of AGEs, the researchers speculate that important defense mechanisms can become "exhausted" as a result of chronically elevated AGEs. However, after a short period on the AGE-reduced diet, the number of AGER1 gene copies was restored to normal levels among patients with kidney disease. 
The investigators believe that daily AGE consumption in the standard Western diet is at least three times higher than the safety limit for these oxidants. This could, in part, explain the changes seen in disease demographics. 
Dr. Vlassara cautioned, "Even though the AGEs pose a more immediate health threat to older adults, they are a similar danger for younger people, including pregnant women and children, and this needs to be addressed. AGEs are ubiquitous and addictive, since they provide flavor to foods. But they can be controlled through simple methods of cooking, such as keeping the heat down and the water content up in food and by avoiding pre-packaged and fast foods when possible. Doing so reduces AGE levels in the blood and helps the body restore its own defenses."
SOURCE The Mount Sinai Medical Center (Januari 2010)


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