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Let op met gezonde fruitsappen voor uw tanden*
Verse fruitsappen zijn op zich zeer gezonde dranken doch de aanwezige suikers en zuren kunnen een aanslag plegen op uw tanden. Een slechte staat van uw tanden kan leiden tot hart-, vaatziektes, diabetes en zelfs kanker. Goede tandverzorging is dus gewenst. Vaak wordt ook langere tijd van deze sappen gedronken (of gezogen) hetgeen zeer ongewenst is voor gezonde tanden. Het direct na het drinken poetsen van uw tanden is ook niet goed omdat daardoor het tandglazuur door de zuren extra te lijden krijgt. Beter is dan uw mond goed te spoelen met water.
When it comes to your teeth smoothies are roughies
Dentists are warning about the dangers of the currently popular fruit 'smoothies' and say they could lead to widespread tooth damage.
The benefits of drinks made from fresh fruit is undisputed, but dentists are now warning that the beneficial effects of fruit smoothies are possibly far outweighed by the damage the drinks cause to teeth.
Dentists say the high levels of sugar in the drinks can promote decay unless good dental hygiene is practised.
Dr. Nigel Carter from the British Dental Health Foundation says every time a fruit smoothie is sipped the teeth are placed under acid attack for up to an hour.
Dr. Carter says while the fruit content can make them seem a healthy idea, they do contain very high levels of sugar and acid and can do a lot of damage to the teeth.
Research has in the past linked poor dental hygiene and tooth decay to a range of serious health conditions, such as heart disease, respiratory disease, and diabetes.
A survey of 1,000 people conducted by the British Dental Health Foundation and the company Oral B found more than 30% of people think fruit smoothies are good for the teeth. 
But Dr. Carter says while fruit smoothies can be a good way to get people to consume more fruit, constantly sipping on such drinks can cause the protective enamel to erode, causing pain, sensitivity and can lead to decay.
The best advice say dentists is to brush the teeth before drinking fruit juice, as this helps protect against the damaging effect of the acid contained in the juice - brushing immediately after can cause damage as the tooth enamel can be weakened by the acid content. 
The survey also revealed some pretty bad habits regarding dental hygiene with people admitting to using items such as hammers, screwdrivers, scissors and lollipop sticks to pick food from between their teeth - risking cuts and infections.
More than a quarter said they had opened a bottle with their teeth and more than one in ten admitted to flossing their teeth while driving.
Dr. Carter says people are putting themselves at risk with such shocking habits and most people are completely unaware of the link between the health of the mouth and the health of the body.
He says dental health is often considered to be of secondary importance to other health issues, but gum health, in particular, is very important and has been linked to a range of conditions. 
Dr. Carter says the message is clear, good oral health means good overall body health. (
Juni 2008)



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Deze waarschuwing geldt natuurlijk ook voor de "ongezonde" frisdranken. Trouwens bij het drinken met een rietje is het verstandig het rietje zo ver mogelijk in de mond te stoppen zodat de sappen zo min mogelijk in de mond komen.