Groene thee tegen huidkanker.*
Volgens een Amerikaanse onderzoeker blijkt uit studies dat het regelmatig drinken van groene thee de kans op huidkanker duidelijk doet verkleinen. Het zijn de in groene thee aanwezige bioactieve stoffen, catechinen in het bijzonder EGCG die hiervoor verantwoordelijk zijn. (online artikel, klik hier)
Green Tea, Prevent Skin Cancer
Green tea just keeps getting better. To add
to the abundance of health-improving qualities of the beverage, UAB Researcher
Santosh Katiyar, Ph.D., associate professor of dermatology, claims that it can
reduce the risk of skin cancer. According to Katiyar, the rich tumor-inhibiting
green tea polyphenols, which include the antioxidant, epigallocatechin-3-gallae
(EGCG), protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation-induced damage and prevent
skin tumor formation. "Green tea prevents UV radiation induced suppression
of the immune system, which has been considered a risk factor for the
development of skin cancer," he said.
Katiyar's green tea research was most recently published in the Journal of
Nutritional Biochemistry and can be found online.
has devoted the past 17 years to finding ways to prevent skin cancer. Grape and
black raspberry consumption can also help prevent skin cancer, he said.
University of Alabama at Birmingham
701 20th St. S., AB 1320
Birmingham, AL 35294-0113
United States
(Juni 2007)