Zwarte sojabonen tegen overgewicht en cholesterol.*

Uit een kleine Koreaanse studie met ratten lijkt het dat voeding met zwarte sojabonen, overgewicht tegengaat en het cholesterol doet dalen. Twee weken lang kregen de ene groep ratten voeding waarvan 10% van de energiewaarde bestond uit zwarte sojabonen.

Na 4 weken bleek deze groep maar de helft in gewicht aan gekomen te zijn en was het totaal cholesterol met 25% gedaald en het slechte cholesterol (LDL) zelfs met 60%.

Dietetic and hypocholesterolaemic action of black soy peptide in dietary obese rats

Shin Joung Rho 1, Soojin Park 2, Chang-Won Ahn 3, Jae-Kil Shin 3, Hyeon Gyu Lee 1

1Department of Food and Nutrition, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
2Ginseng Research Group, Korea Food Research Institute, Kyunggi-Do, Korea
3Research and Development Center, Nong Shim Co., Ltd, Kyunggi-Do, Korea

*Correspondence to Hyeon Gyu Lee, Department of Food and Nutrition, Hanyang University, 17 Haengdang-dong, Seongdong-gu, Seoul 133-791, Korea

The experimental protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Department of Food and Nutrition, Hanyang University, Korea, Project Number 2004-012
SJ Rho and S Park contributed equally to this work.


To investigate the effect of peptides from black soy (rat's eye) bean (Rhynchosia volubilis Lour.) on weight gain and lipid composition, Sprague-Dawley male rats were fed either a black soy peptide (BSP; 2, 6 or 10% of energy)-containing diet or a casein control diet (20% of energy) enriched with 36% fat and 1% cholesterol for 28 days. Compared with the casein group, the BSP groups showed significant attenuation of body, liver and epididymal adipose tissue weight gains (P < 0.05). Moreover, rats that consumed BSP had a lower total cholesterol concentration and low-density lipoprotein/high-density lipoprotein (LDL/HDL) ratio in serum and a lower level of hepatic triglycerides as well as higher excretion of faeces compared with those fed only casein (P < 0.05). Molecular weights of peptides from black soy were mainly below 10 kDa, and Arg/Lys and Gly/Met ratios in BSP were five and three times of those in casein respectively. It is concluded that BSP can be a potent nutraceutical component for anti-obesity and hypolipidaemic benefits. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry (Maart 2007) (Opm. 10% van de dagelijkse energiewaarde voor een volwassene is ongeveer 50 gram sojabonen. Meer over sojabonen.)


