Lijnzaadolie voor lagere bloeddruk.*
een Griekse studie blijkt dat het regelmatig gebruiken van lijnzaadolie de
bloeddruk wel met 6% doet verlagen. De studie werd uitgevoerd met een groep van
59 mannen met verhoogde bloeddruk, van gemiddeld 53 jaar. Ze werden verdeeld in
twee groepen en de twee groepen kregen iedereen ander aanvulling van hun dieet.
De ene groep kreeg dagelijks 8 gram lijnzaadolie (rijk aan het omega-3 vetzuur
ALA), de andere groep 11 gram saffloerolie (rijk aan het omega-6 vetzuur
linolzuur). Na 12 weken hadden de mannen in de lijnzaadgroep een duidelijke
verlaging, tot 6% van de bloeddruk terwijl mannen in de saffloergroep geen
verschil lieten zien.
supplementation with flaxseed oil lowers blood pressure in dyslipidaemic
A Zampelas.
GKP, VK, and AZ were involved in all aspects of the study, including design,
data collection, analysis and interpretation, and writing and editing the
manuscript; FM and DBP participated in analysing and interpreting the data, and
in writing and editing the manuscript.
G K Paschos, F Magkos, D B Panagiotakos,
V Votteas and A Zampelas
of Nutrition and Dietetics, Harokopio University, Athens, Greece
of Cardiology, Laiko Hospital, Athens, Greece
Correspondence: Dr A Zampelas, Department of
Nutrition and Dietetics, Harokopio University, 70 El. Venizelou Avenue, 176 71
Athens, Greece. E-mail:
Received 21 April 2006; Revised 24 November 2006;
Accepted 27 November 2006; Published online 2007.
acid (ALA) is the natural precursor of the cardioprotective long-chain n-3
fatty acids. Available data indicate a possible beneficial effect of ALA on
cardiovascular disease (CVD), but the response of various CVD risk factors to
increased ALA intake is not well characterized. The purpose of the present
study was to examine the effect of increased ALA intake on blood pressure in
setting, subjects and interventions:
used a prospective, two-group, parallel-arm design to examine the effect of a
12-week dietary supplementation with flaxseed oil, rich in ALA (8 g/day),
on blood pressure in middle-aged dyslipidaemic men (n=59).
The diet of the control group was supplemented with safflower oil, containing
the equivalent n-6 fatty acid (11 g/day linoleic
acid (LA); n=28). Arterial blood pressure was
measured at the beginning and at the end of the dietary intervention period.
with ALA resulted in significantly lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure
levels compared with LA (P=0.016 and P=0.011,
respectively, from analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measures).
observed a hypotensive effect of ALA, which may constitute another mechanism
accounting in part for the apparent cardioprotective effect of this n-3
fatty acid.
Greek Ministry of Development, General Secretariat for Research and Technology. (Febr. 2007) (Opm. Meer over vetzuren.)