en appelsap tegen tegen Alzheimer.*
Uit Amerikaanse dierenstudies blijkt dat appels en appelsap de productie van een belangrijke neurotransmitter doen bevorderen. De neurotransmitter acetylcholine zorgt in de hersenen voor een goed geheugen. Neurotransmitters zijn chemische stoffen, afgegeven door zenuwcellen, die berichten versturen naar andere zenuwcellen. Deze communicatie tussen zenuwcellen van groot belang voor een goede gezondheid en niet alleen in de hersenen maar in heel het lichaam.
In de studie werden prima resultaten geboekt met een voor mensen vergelijkbare hoeveelheid van 2 of 3 appels per dag of 2 grote glazen appelsap. De resultaten waren minstens net zo goed als medicijnen die gebruikt worden bij Alzheimer.
Of Apple Juice On Neurotransmitter Affecting Memory, UMass Lowell Research Shows
those who think that apple juice is a kid's drink, think again. Apples and apple
juice may be among the best foods that baby boomers and senior citizens could
add to their diet, according to new research that demonstrates how apple
products can help boost brain function similar to medication.
Animal research from the University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML) indicates that
apple juice consumption may actually increase the production in the brain of the
essential neurotransmitter acetylcholine, resulting in improved memory.
Neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine are chemicals released from nerve cells
that transmit messages to other nerve cells. Such communication between nerve
cells is vital for good health, not just in the brain, but throughout the body.
“We anticipate that the day may come when foods like apples, apple juice and
other apple products are recommended along with the most popular Alzheimer's
medications,” says Thomas Shea, Ph.D., director of the UML Center for Cellular
Neurobiology and Neurodegeneration Research.
The study will be published in the August issue of the international Journal
of Alzheimer's Disease.
The role of acetylcholine in the brain is not a new area of research.
Alzheimer's medication studies start with the premise that increasing the amount
of acetylcholine in the brain can help to slow mental decline in people with
Alzheimer's disease. Testing a similar hypothesis, the UML research team found
that having animals consume antioxidant-rich apple juice had a comparable and
beneficial effect.
In this novel animal study at UML, adult (9-12 months) and old (2-2.5 years)
mice, some specially bred to develop Alzheimer's-like symptoms, were fed three
different diets (a standard diet, a nutrient-deficient diet, and a
nutrient-deficient diet supplemented with apple components (in this case, apple
juice concentrate was added to their drinking water).
Among those fed the apple juice-supplemented diet, the mice showed an increased
production of acetylcholine in their brains. Also, after multiple assessments of
memory and learning using traditional Y maze tests, researchers found that the
mice who consumed the apple juice-supplemented diets performed significantly
better on the maze tests.
“It was surprising how the animals on the apple-enhanced diets actually did a
superior job on the maze tests than those not on the supplemented diet,”
remarks Dr. Shea.
Earlier studies by Shea's research team had strongly suggested apples must
possess a unique mix of antioxidants that improve cognition and memory via
inhibition of oxidation in the brain. Those results encouraged Shea to evaluate
the neurotransmitter effect, as is done in the current study. Medications given
to humans with Alzheimer's disease have been shown to inhibit the production of
specific enyzmes (cholinesterase inhibitors) that break down acetylcholine in
the brain. The end result in the animal study is similar - there are more of
these critical messengers remaining in the brain to enhance memory.
The results obtained were from the animals consuming moderate amounts of apple
juice --comparable to drinking approximately two 8 oz. glasses of apple juice or
eating 2-3 apples a day. The findings also suggest that the apple-supplemented
diet was most helpful in the framework of an overall healthy diet.
Shea concludes, “The findings of the present study show that consumption of
antioxidant-rich foods such as apples and apple juice can help reduce problems
associated with memory loss.”
Shea also notes that a human clinical study evaluating consumption of apple
products will begin in the near future.
This study was sponsored through an unrestricted grant by the U.S. Apple
Association and the Apple Products Research and Education Council.
Umass Lowell, a comprehensive university with a national reputation in science,
engineering and technology, is committed to educating students for lifelong
success in a diverse world and conducting research and outreach activities that
sustain the economic, environmental and social health of the region. UML offers
its 11,000 students more than 120 degree choices, internships, five-year
combined bachelor's to master's programs and doctoral studies in the colleges of
Arts and Sciences, Engineering and Management, the School of Health and
Environment, and the Graduate School of Education.
UMass Lowell
University of Massachusetts
One University Avenue
Lowell, Massachusetts 01854