Mineraalwater tegen de ziekte van Alzheimer?*
Uit een Engelse studie blijkt dat mineraalwater rijk aan silicium de hoeveelheid opgeslagen aluminium in het lichaam sterk kan verlagen. Al na 5 dagen drinken van 1,5 liter siliciumhoudend mineraal water daalde de hoeveelheid aluminium duidelijk. Er is een wetenschappelijk verband tussen aluminium en het ontstaan van de ziekte van Alzheimer. In deze kleine studie is niet vastgesteld of door het drinken van dat mineraalwater ook daadwerkelijk iets aan de ziekte verandert. Langdurig aanvullend onderzoek is daarvoor nodig. Duidelijk is nu al wel dat het drinken van mineraalwater met veel silicium de hoeveelheid ongewenst aluminium flink kan beperken en dat is in ieder geval goed voor iedereen.
Mineral Water Could Reduce Aluminium In Alzheimer's Disease Sufferers
at Keele University in Staffordshire have found that drinking a well-known
mineral water regularly could reduce the levels of aluminium in the bodies of
people with Alzheimer's disease.
Ten individuals with Alzheimer's were asked to drink up to 1.5L per day of the
mineral water, Volvic, for five days as part of their everyday diets. For eight
out of ten it resulted in a reduction in their body burden of aluminium.
There is a link between human exposure to aluminium and the incidence of
Alzheimer's disease. The objective of the research was to demonstrate a simple
method whereby individuals with Alzheimer's disease (and indeed healthy
individuals) could both limit their absorption of aluminium across the gut and
increase their excretion of body aluminium in the urine.
Volvic is a still mineral water containing a high concentration of silicon and
the research team believes that it was the silicon (the natural protector
against the toxicity of aluminium) in the mineral water which helped to reduce
the body burden of aluminium in the individuals with Alzheimer's disease.
Dr Chris Exley, of the Birchall Centre for Inorganic Chemistry and Materials
Science, Lennard-Jones Laboratories at Keele, said: “This was a preliminary
study involving only ten individuals and was carried out over only five
consecutive days. We do not have any information concerning any influence of
drinking the mineral water upon the disease itself only that there were no
reported negative side effects.”
“A future study is needed to confirm that long term drinking of a silicon-rich
mineral water can reduce the body burden of aluminium in Alzheimer's disease. We
shall then be able to determine if concomitant with the reduction in body
aluminium there are improvements in the nature and progression of the disease.”
“There is no benefit in accumulating aluminium in our bodies. Anything we can
do to reduce its entry and build up in the body can only be beneficial to our
health and regular drinking of silicon-rich mineral waters may be a safe and
easy way to achieve the lowest possible body burden of aluminium”.
In the only human trial to date to remove aluminium from the body of individuals
with Alzheimer's disease, the iron chelator desferrioxamine (DFO) was
successfully used to both remove aluminium from the body and slow the rate of
progression of the disease. This trial, which was reported in The Lancet in
1991, has not been repeated and that may have been due to the need to inject DFO
into the muscle to administer it and side-effects associated with the reaction
of DFO with body iron.
Importantly, considering the earlier study using the iron chelator DFO, the new
research did not influence body stores of iron and no negative side-effects of
drinking the mineral water were reported.
(Juni 2006) (Opm.:
Silicium vindt men behalve in veel mineraalwaters ook in uien en bieten, verder
nog in gerst, gierst, aardappelen, maïs, rogge en volle tarwe, waarbij de
korrels dan wel als muesli gegeten moeten worden in plaats van in de vorm van
gebakken producten)