een kleine studie blijkt dat de hoogte van de bloedwaarden aan vitamine C
rechtevenredig is met de mogelijkheid van vetverbranding. Bij vetverbranding
gebruikt het lichaam vet als brandstof, zowel bij inspanning als in rust.
Bij hogere vitamine C waarden wordt meer vet verbrand. Dit komt omdat
vitamine C een essentiële co-factor is voor de aanmaak in het lichaam van
carnitine. Voldoende carnitine zorgt ervoor dat het vet als brandstof wordt
C Depletion Reduces The Body's Ability To Use Fat As A Fuel Source
little vitamin C in the blood stream has been found to correlate with
increased body fat and waist measurements. Nutrition researchers from
Arizona State University report that the amount of vitamin C in the blood
stream is directly related to fat oxidation - the body's ability to use fat
as a fuel source - during both exercise and at rest.
Bonnie Beezhold, a graduate student in the laboratory of Dr. Carol Johnston,
presented the most recent study, on the impact of vitamin C depletion on a
short-term diet, on April 3 at Experimental Biology 2006 in San Francisco.
The presentation was part of the scientific program of the American Society
for Nutrition, Inc. (ASN).
Before beginning a controlled four-week, low-fat diet, 20 obese men and
women were randomized by gender and body weight into either a Vitamin C
group, taking a 500 mg vitamin C capsule daily, or a control group, taking a
capsule, identical in appearance to the vitamin, containing a placebo.
Neither participants nor researchers knew who was receiving which capsule
until the study was over. All participants consumed a low-fat diet that the
researchers adjusted individually to promote slow weight loss (about two
pounds per week). The diet contained 67 percent of the USRDA (recommended
daily allowance) for vitamin C (40 mg/d).
At the beginning of the clinical trial, participants with the lowest
concentrations of vitamin C in their blood had the highest body fat mass and
tended not to oxidize fat well compared to their less obese counterparts. As
the participants moved through the four week diet, with a steady amount of
vitamin C being consumed, blood vitamin C concentrations increased 30
percent in those taking vitamins and fell 27 percent in the control group
whose only vitamin C intake was the 67 percent of the USRDA contained in the
food. As vitamin C blood concentrations fell, so did the participants'
ability to oxidize fat (an 11 percent reduction).
The highly-controlled diet worked for all participants. Although body fat
mass decreased slightly more in the vitamin C group, approaching but not
reaching statistical significance, both groups lost an average of nine
pounds, indicating that vitamin C depletion did not appear to affect the
ability to lose weight in the short term. But because the study supported
early findings in Dr. Johnston's laboratory of a decrease in fat oxidation,
the researchers are now studying whether the impact of vitamin C status is
associated with a gradual gain in body fat in non-dieting individuals.
It is important to understand the impact of vitamin C deficiency, says Dr.
Johnston, because it affects about 15 percent of adults in the United States,
up from only 3-5 percent 25 years ago. She believes the increased processing
of the food supply is part of the problem, since vitamin C in foods is
destroyed by exposure to light, oxygen, and/or heat.
How does vitamin C affect fat oxidation and thus the risk for weight gain
and obesity? Vitamin C is an essential cofactor for the biosynthesis of a
small protein-like molecule known as carnitine. Carnitine functions to
shuttle fat molecules to the site of fax oxidation in tissue cells. When
cells do not have access to fat molecules, feelings of fatigue ensue since
energy metabolism is affected. Moreover, fat tends to accumulate in tissues
when carnitine concentrations are reduced.
This research was supported by a grant from the General Mills, Bell
Institute of Health and Nutrition.
Contact: Sarah Goodwin (april
2006) (Opm. Veel fruit en groenten
elke dag geeft hoge bloedwaarden vitamine C)