Appels voor gezonde hersenen.*
Twee appels per dag lijkt voor senioren goed te zijn om de achteruitgang van de hersenen tegen te gaan. Althans dit blijkt uit een studie onder muizen. Het zijn de speciale antioxidanten in de appel die hiervoor zorgen. De met appel(sap) gevoerde muizen deden bepaalde tests duidelijk beter en hadden ook minder oxidatieschade in de hersenen.
Juice Associated With Brain Health
"An apple a day" now has
new meaning for those who want to maintain mental dexterity as they age. New
research from the University of Massachusetts Lowell suggests that consuming
apple juice may protect against cell damage that contributes to age-related
memory loss, even in test animals that were not prone to developing
Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.
"This new study suggests that eating and drinking apples and apple juice,
in conjunction with a balanced diet, can protect the brain from the effects of
oxidative stress - and that we should eat such antioxidant-rich foods,"
notes lead researcher Thomas B. Shea, Ph.D., director of the University of
Massachusetts Lowell's Center for Cellular Neurobiology and Neurodegeneration
Research, whose study was just published in the latest issue of the Journal of
Alzheimer's Disease. Although more research is needed, Shea is excited about
these brain health findings, which are encouraging for all individuals who are
interested in staying mentally sharp as they age.
Using a well-established animal protocol, Shea and his research colleagues
assessed whether consumption of apple juice was protective against oxidative
brain damage in aging mice, damage that can lead to memory loss. "These
newer findings show that there is something in apples and apple juice that
protects brain cells in normal aging, much like the protection we previously
saw against Alzheimer-like symptoms," says Shea.
The researchers evaluated adult and aged mice using a standard diet, a
nutrient-deficient diet, and a nutrient-deficient diet supplemented with apple
juice concentrate in drinking water. Although the adult mice tested were not
affected negatively by the deficient diets, the aged mice were, which is
consistent with normal aging due to oxidative neurodegeneration. The effect on
cognition among the aged mice was measured through well-established maze
tests, followed by an examination of brain tissue. However, the aged mice who
consumed the diets supplemented with apple juice performed significantly
better on the maze tests and all had less oxidative brain damage than those on
the standard diet.
Supplementation by apple juice fully protected the aged mice from the
oxidative stress caused by the nutrient-deficient diet. In addition, stronger
mental acuity resulted when the aged mice consumed the human equivalent of 2-3
cups of apple juice or approximately 2-4 apples per day. "We believe that
this effect is due to the apple's naturally high level of antioxidants,"
states Shea. Previous research with his colleagues also determined that it is
not the sugar and energy content of the apple juice, but the antioxidant
attributes of apple juice that are responsible for the positive effects. This
study was sponsored through an unrestricted grant by the U.S. Apple
Association and the Apple Products Research and Education Council.
The research abstract can be found at
Wendy Davis
U.S. Apple Association
( Febr. 2006)