Extra vitamine D en calcium tijdens de zwangerschap beschermen tegen osteoporose later.*
vrouwen die tijdens de laatste 3 maanden van de zwangerschap extra vitamine D en
calcium innemen kunnen hun baby's wel eens beschermen tegen osteoporose later
als ze groot zijn. Dit blijkt uit een studie gepubliceerd in the Lancet. Al
langer is bekend dat de voeding en lichamelijke activiteiten van de a.s. moeder
invloed uitoefenen op de botdichtheid van de baby. Nu blijkt dat, zeker als de
laatste maanden van de zwangerschap in de winter vallen, extra vitamine D (en
ook calcium) ook een duidelijke invloed hebben en niet alleen op de baby doch
ook later in het leven.
D Levels During Pregnancy Predict Kids' Bone Health
Mothers who take extra
vitamin D while pregnant could be protecting their children from osteoporosis
later in life.
A study appearing in the
Jan. 7 issue of The Lancet reports that children born to mothers with
insufficient vitamin D during pregnancy had weaker bones when they were 9 years
"It's not the holy
grail, but it's another piece of information that suggests that events beginning
from gestation influence ultimate bone health and bone strength," said Dr.
Stephen Honig, director of the Osteoporosis Center at the Hospital for Joint
Diseases in New York City. "This is easily correctable, and seems to be
something that comes at no particular cost, either economic or from an
adverse-effect standpoint."
"It's very
interesting and very suggestive," added Dr. Loren Wissner Greene, a
clinical associate professor of medicine at New York University School of
Medicine and co-director of the Bone Density Unit at New York University.
Many people show a
vitamin D deficiency, and this includes otherwise healthy women during pregnancy.
Vitamin D is required for
optimal calcium absorption, which is critical to bone growth. The main source of
vitamin D is sunlight, and most people don't get enough of that.
"There has been a
recognition that a lot of people in the United States are vitamin D-deficient in
these days of sunscreen," Greene said.
At the same time,
accumulating evidence suggests that environmental factors early in life can
influence a person's chance of developing osteoporosis. For instance, birth
weight can predict bone mass later on, while poor intrauterine and childhood
growth are associated with double the risk of hip fracture 60 years later. A
mother's build, nutrition, smoking and physical activity level during pregnancy
can also influence bone mass of the baby at birth.
No one has yet looked at
a relationship between the mother's vitamin D status during pregnancy and
skeletal growth of their children. The authors of this study hypothesized that
maternal vitamin D insufficiency during pregnancy had a long-lasting effect on
childhood bone mass.
The researchers studied
198 children born in 1991 and 1992 at a hospital in Southampton, England. They
assessed mothers' body build, nutrition and vitamin D status during pregnancy;
children's body size and bone mass were measured nine years later.
Women who had reduced
levels of vitamin D during the later part of their pregnancies had children with
reduced bone-mineral content at 9 years of age.
Women who took vitamin D
supplements and who were exposed to more sunshine were less likely to have a
vitamin D deficiency. Reduced concentration of calcium in the umbilical cord
blood was also associated with a reduced bone mass in the offspring.
"Their point is that
there may be a programming effect that goes on in utero that effects calcium and
bone accrual," Honig said. "Something happens in the last trimester
that influences the transport of calcium across the placenta, and somehow that
situation changes the developmental period over a prolonged timeframe."
The findings need to be
confirmed, but they fit in well with other studies that have shown that issues
early in life, such as low birth weight, can impact osteoporosis risk later in
"These are all
things that are lending credibility to the need to think about bone growth and
development as starting from gestation onward, rather than just thinking about
this as diseases that occur after menopause," Honig said. "That's a
significant thing."
The authors suggested that giving vitamin D supplements to pregnant women, especially if the third trimester occurs during the winter when there is less sunlight, could contribute to stronger bones in their children.( Januari 2006)