groenten en fruit tegen mogelijke terugkeer borstkanker.*
een studie werd gekeken of een gezond dieet de kans op terugkeer van borstkanker
kan beïnvloeden. Daartoe werd het bloed van de deelnemers onderzocht op de
aanwezigheid van verschillende carotenen, bioactieve stoffen die gevonden worden
in groenten en fruit. Deze carotenen zijn een heel goede indicatie van de
hoeveelheid groenten en fruit die dagelijks gegeten wordt. Het resultaat van de
studie was dat vrouwen die de meeste carotenen in het bloed hadden de kans op
terugkeer van borstkanker 43% lager was dan vrouwen met de laagste hoeveelheden
vrouwen die elke dag veel groenten en fruit eten hebben veel minder kans opnieuw
borstkanker te krijgen.
Carotenoids and Recurrence-Free Survival in Women With a History of Breast
Cheryl L. Rock, Shirley W. Flatt, Loki Natarajan,
Cynthia A. Thomson, Wayne A. Bardwell, Vicky A. Newman, Kathy A. Hollenbach,
Lovell Jones, Bette J. Caan, John P. Pierce
From the Departments of Family and
Preventive Medicine and Psychiatry, and Cancer Prevention and Control Program,
University of California, San Diego, San Diego; and Division of Research, Kaiser
Permanente Northern California, Oakland, CA; Arizona Cancer Center, University
of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, The University of Texas,
Houston, TX; and the Women's Healthy Eating and Living Study Group
Address reprint requests to Cheryl L. Rock,
PhD, RD, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Dr, La Jolla, CA
92093-0901; e-mail:
Previous studies suggest that diet may affect recurrence or survival
rates in women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. The
purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between plasma
carotenoid concentration, as a biomarker of vegetable and fruit
intake, and risk for a new breast cancer event in a cohort of women
with a history of early-stage breast cancer.
Participants were 1,551 women previously treated for breast cancer
who were randomly assigned to the control arm of a diet intervention
trial between March 1995 and November 2000. Outcome events were
probed during semiannual interviews and verified by medical record
review. During the period under study, 205 women had a recurrence or
new primary breast cancer. Plasma carotenoid concentrations were
measured in baseline blood samples. Hazard ratios (HR) and 95% CIs by
quartiles of plasma carotenoids were computed, controlling for tumor
stage, grade, and hormone receptor status; chemotherapy and tamoxifen
therapy; clinical site; age at diagnosis; body mass index; and plasma
cholesterol concentration.
Women in the highest quartile of plasma total carotenoid concentration had
significantly reduced risk for a new breast cancer event (HR, 0.57;
95% CI, 0.37 to 0.89), controlled for covariates influencing breast
cancer prognosis.
Plasma carotenoids are a biologic marker of intake of vegetables and
fruit, so this observation supports findings from previous studies
that have linked increased vegetable and fruit intake with greater
likelihood of recurrence-free survival in women who have been
diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer.
by NCI Grant No. CA69375; University of California, San Diego,
General Clinical Research Center NIH Grant No. M01-RR00827; University
of California, San Francisco, General Clinical Research Center NIH
Grant No. M01-RR00079; Stanford University General Clinical Research
Center NIH Grant No. M01-RR00070; and the Walton Family Foundation.
(December 2005)