koffie voor de meeste mensen slecht voor het cholesterol.*
een onderzoek blijkt dat deca koffie bij drie tot zes koppen per dag het
cholesterol wel met 10% kan doen stijgen. Let op dit geldt voor personen met een
normaal gewicht. Wat verrassend was
dat de uitkomst varieerde met het gewicht van de personen. Bij zware mensen
steeg het HDL (goede cholesterol) licht terwijl dit bij mensen met een gewoon
gewicht wel met 30% daalden.
can raise your bad cholesterol levels by up to 10%
to a recent study, if you drink from three to six cups of decaffeinated
coffee a day your bad cholesterol levels can go up by 8-10 per cent. The three
to six cups a day increase the production of a harmful fatty acid by 18%, this
fatty acid is a key factor in the production of bad cholesterol.
Dr. Robert Superko, Fuqua Heart Centre and Piedmont-Mercer Centre for Health,
Atlanta, Georgia, presented his findings to the American Heart Association
scientific meetings in Dallas, Texas.
Dr. Superko said "These results are very surprising and have never been
reported before for coffee consumption. Contrary to what people have thought for
many years, I believe it's not caffeinated but decaffeinated coffee that might
promote heart disease risk factors that are an expanding heart-health hazard.”
The research was funded by the National Institutes of Health.
In this study 187 coffee drinkers were put into two groups (they were monitored
for three months). One group drank caffeinated coffee while the other group
drank decaffeinated. They all drank from three to six cups a day. All the drinks
were home brewed black coffee (no milk).
The group on decaf had an 18% increase in fatty acid in their blood, which fuels
the increase in bad cholesterol. They also had more ApoB in their blood - this
is associated with bad cholesterol.
Fat people fared better on decaf
For those on decaf, levels of good cholesterol (HDL2) varied according to their
weight. The fat people experienced raised levels of HDL2, while people of normal
weight saw their levels drop by 30%.
Dr. Superko said: "This illustrates a concept that is becoming very
important in medicine, the individualisation of treatment. It is important for
the public to realise that one diet or one drug is not the optimal treatment for
every patient."
Dr. Superko said that people who have just one cup of coffee a day do not
consume enough to experience any relevant changes in their cholesterol levels.
He added that overweight people may still be better off on the decaf than the
caffeinated because of the benefits for their good cholesterol.
Many factors can have an impact on your cholesterol levels:
1. Your genetic make up.
2. The amount of exercise you do.
3. Your diet.
If you do plenty of exercise, maintain a good body weight for your height and
eat wisely, your chances of having good cholesterol levels are much greater.
Written by: Christian Nordqvist
Editor: Medical News Today (November
2005) (Opm. meer informatie over cholesterol)