beste afslankdieet, neem (een) hond!*
(Dit is nog eens een kop om te lachen, doch heel serieus bedoeld)
die geregeld hun hond uitlaten, verliezen gemiddeld 6,4 kilo per jaar. Daarmee
zijn honden een betere (en goedkopere) afslankmethode dan heel wat diëten.
Dat blijkt
uit een studie van de universiteit van Missouri-Columbia.
Wie een hond
heeft, gaat vaker wandelen en wandelen is volgens de studie een van de beste
manieren om gewicht te verliezen. Even de hond uitlaten, is volgens de
onderzoekers een stuk doeltreffender dan heel wat diëten.
vrijwilligers die meewerkten aan de studie werden aangemoedigd om hun hond op
regelmatige tijdstippen uit te laten. In het begin moesten ze drie keer per week
tien minuten gaan wandelen met hun huisdier. Die frequentie werd geleidelijk aan
opgebouwd en op het einde van de testperiode gingen de afvallers vijf keer per
week wandelen met hun trouwe viervoeter, gedurende twintig minuten.
Johnson, één van de onderzoeksters, wijst erop dat "de meeste
vrijwilligers niet alleen voor hun eigen goed gingen wandelen met de hond, maar
vooral voor het plezier van hun huisdier".
Dog Walks Work Off Weight for Owners, MU Researchers Find
Scientists Find that Participants also Engaged in Healthier
Habits Following Study
COLUMBIA, Mo. - Dogs may be a man's best friend, but they also might be an
instrumental tool in weight loss. A new study at the University of
Missouri-Columbia has found that having a pet can encourage owners to get more
exercise and results in more weight loss than most nationally known diet plans.
"Our goal was to look for ways to increase the average exercise regimen,
and we found being responsible for a pet, such as committing to walk a loaner
dog, encouraged people who did not own dogs to walk more often and for longer
periods of time," said Rebecca Johnson, associate professor of nursing and
director of the College of Veterinary Medicine's Research Center for
Human-Animal Interaction. "Our first study group averaged a weight loss of
14 pounds during the one-year program."
The research project encouraged economically disadvantaged, disabled
participants to walk with dogs on a regular, graduated schedule. Johnson, who
collaborated with Richard Meadows, director of community practice at the Mizzou
Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, said the participants began the program by
walking 10 minutes per day, three times each week. Eventually, the participants
walked up to 20 minutes per day, five times each week. During rainy days, the
participants walked an inside route.
Prior to the program's initiation, personnel in the School of Health Professions'
Missouri Mobile Health van gave each participant a full health assessment
measuring such indicators as weight, lean body mass, bone density, blood
pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides, joint movement functional
ability and mood.
Having participants engage in a shorter and longer program enabled the
researchers to identify which program produced more weight loss. The first group
walked for 50 weeks, while the second group walked for only 26 weeks. Johnson
found that the first group averaged a weight loss of 14 pounds, a better result
than most of the nationally known weight-loss plans report. Johnson said the
weight loss in the second group was not statistically significant, but that the
participants did engage in other activities that surprised the researchers.
"The results of the first group were wonderful," Johnson said.
"Even though we didn't see a significant amount of weight loss in the group
that walked for a shorter period of time, by the end of the study, all the
participants were walking for longer periods of time and walking for daily
errands instead of using some other type of transportation.
"In addition, two of the participants made a trip to the humane society to
adopt animals, and several began volunteering to walk the dogs at the shelter.
Many of them told us that they didn't necessarily walk in the study because they
knew it was good for their health; they enjoyed walking because they knew it was
good for the animals."
The dogs in the study were provided by the Pet Assisted Love and Support program
at the MU College of Veterinary Medicine. The dogs are pets of faculty and staff
at the college and must pass rigorous safety training procedures and a "good
citizenship" test before they are allowed to be in the program. In addition,
all human participants in the program were fitted with new walking shoes.
The Missouri Foundation for Health funded the study. Johnson's next research
project involves people taking animals to the gym. While walking only addresses
certain aspects of fitness, Johnson believes that animals viewed as support
companions while at the gym can increase a participant's self-esteem and
encourage them to exercise in other ways that will benefit their health.
( Okt. 2005)