Roken, caroteen en kanker.*
Uit een Franse studie blijkt dat grote inname van bètacaroteen door voeding (o.a. wortelen, gele groenten, sinaasappelen) en supplementen in combinatie met roken de kans op longkanker en andere “rokerkankers” doet vergroten. Terwijl daarentegen de hoeveelheid bètacaroteen inname bij niet rokers omgekeerd evenredig is met de kans op het krijgen van deze kankers.
have higher cancer risk if they consume lots of beta-carotene, not the case with
A new study of French women has found that high beta-carotene intake--through a
combination of diet or supplementation--is associated with a higher risk of
tobacco-related cancers in smokers, but the risk of these cancers decreases with
increasing beta-carotene intake in nonsmokers. The study appears in the issue of
the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.
Some observational studies have found that beta-carotene consumption is
associated with a decreased risk of cancer. However, some intervention studies
have suggested that high doses of the antioxidant, given through supplementation,
may be associated with an increased risk of lung cancer and digestive cancers in
To investigate the relationships of beta-carotene intake from both diet and
supplementation with the risk of tobacco-related cancers--which include
colorectal, thyroid, ovarian, cervical, and lung cancers in addition to less
common cancers--Marie-Christine Boutron-Ruault, M.D., Ph.D., of INSERM in
Villejuif, France, and colleagues used information from questionnaires given in
1994 to nearly 60,000 women from the French Etude Epidémiologique de Femmes de
la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale (E3N) prospective study. The
researchers assessed diet, supplement use, and smoking status in these women and
followed them for a median of 7.4 years.
During the follow-up period, 700 women developed a type of cancer known to be
related to smoking. Among women who never smoked, beta-carotene intake was
inversely associated with the risk of developing a tobacco-related cancer, with
a dose-dependent relationship across the considered beta-carotene categories (tertiles
of dietary beta-carotene, and supplement use as the fourth category). However,
among women who had ever smoked, the results were reversed: cancer risk was
highest among women in the high beta-carotene intake group.
In the population studied, the authors calculated that the absolute rates of
tobacco-related cancers over 10 years for nonsmokers with low and high
beta-carotene intakes were 181.8 and 81.7 cases per 10,000 women, respectively.
Among smokers, these rates were 174.0 cases per 10,000 women for those who had
low beta-carotene intake and 368.3 cases per 10,000 women for those who had high
"Although beta-carotene may act as a cocarcinogen, there is no evidence
that smokers should avoid consuming beta-carotene-rich foods such as fruit and
vegetables, in which other components, such as vitamins C and E, may counteract
a potentially deleterious interaction of beta-carotene with smoking," the
authors write.
In an editorial, Susan T. Mayne, Ph.D., of the Yale University School of
Medicine and Yale Cancer Center in New Haven, Conn., and Scott M. Lippman, M.D.,
of the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, write that
"evidence suggesting that tobacco exposure modifies the chemopreventive
efficacy of nutrients/nutrient derivatives continues to mount." However,
this new research "should not alter our current policy recommendations with
regard to nutrients and cancer risk. Rather, this new research emphasizes the
need to examine current, former, and never smokers separately in studies of
nutrient supplements and other preventive agent classes in a wide spectrum of
cancer prevention settings," they write.
-- Article: Touvier M, Kesse E, Clavel-Chapelon F, Boutron-Ruault M-C. Dual
Association of Beta-Carotene With Risk of Tobacco-Related Cancers in a Cohort of
French Women. J Natl Cancer Inst 2005;97:1338-44.
-- Citation: Mayne ST, Lippman SM. Cigarettes: A Smoking Gun in Cancer
Chemoprevention. J Natl Cancer Inst 2005;97:1319-21.
( Okt. 2005)