C tegen kanker.*
een laboratoriumonderzoek blijkt dat een hoge dosis vitamine C, ingespoten in de
bloedbaan kankercellen met 50% doet slinken, terwijl gezonde cellen onaangetast
bleven. De dosis (10 gram) is zo hoog en te hoog om in tabletvorm ingenomen te
kunnen worden. Enkele recente onderzoeken gaven al aan dat vitamine C in
tabletvorm geen effect had op kankercellen. Het probleem met pillen en tabletten
is dat na inname de opname in het bloed boven een bepaald verzadigingspunt niet
meer plaatsvindt. Bij injecteren heb je hier geen last van zodat veel hogere
dosis mogelijk zijn.
de praktijk is het zo dat eenzelfde hoeveelheid geïnjecteerd of door de mond
een verschil geeft van liefst 2500% in opname!
High intravenous vitamin C dose fights cancer
Scientists have found that high intravenous doses of vitamin C kills cancer cells. The ascorbate dose has to be very high, too high tobe taken orally, hence the
intravenous administration. Some recent trials showed orally administered
vitamin C had no effect on cancer cells, so the researchers decided to see what
would happen if they injected the ascorbate straight into the bloodstream.
work in the 1970s which used both intravenous and oral ascorbate had hinted at
an anti-cancer effect.
the latest study a US team led by Dr Mark Levine, from the National Institutes
of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, conducted laboratory experiments which
simulated clinical infusions of vitamin C.
of a range of nine cancer and four normal cell types were studied by exposing
them to high doses of ascorbate.
They found that while the normal cells were not affected, 5 of the cancer cells
became 50% smaller. The lymphoma
cells were completely destroyed.
The problem with oral administration is that you eventually come to a high dose
(saturation point), any dose above that amount does not result in more ascorbate
present in the bloodstream. Intravenous administration allows the patient to
have even higher quantities in his/her bloodstream.
If you inject 10 grams of vitamin C straight into the bloodstream, you get
concentrations 2500% higher than you would ever get by swallowing the same
study was led by Dr. Mark Levine, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
& Kidney Diseases. You can
read about this study in detail in the Proceedings of the National Academy of
When asked why the cancer cells were dying, the researchers suggested it may
have been due to the formation of hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide kills
cancer cells. However, they said they were not sure.
The researchers say further tests are needed to validate these findings.(
Sept. 2005)