fruit en groente tegen reumatoïde artritis.*
een grootschalig onderzoek in Engeland blijkt dat mensen die deze ziekte
ontwikkelen veel minder lichtkleurig fruit en groente aten dan mensen bij wie de
ziekte zich niet ontwikkelt. In lichtkleurig fruit en groente, zoals
sinaasappelen, wortelen, enz. zitten anti-oxidanten zoals vitamine C,
betacryptoxanthine en cartenoïden. Voldoende van deze stoffen geven bescherming
tegen het ontstaan van artritis. Bijv. 1 of meer sinaasappelen, al dan niet
geperst, per dag en de kans op artritis wordt flink minder.
fruit and veg, may act as antioxidants - protect against rheumatoid arthritis
arthritis currently affects around 1% adults in the UK. Previous studies have
suggested that vitamin C and the pigment beta-cryptoxanthin, both of which are
found in brightly-coloured fruit and veg, may act as antioxidants, and protect
the body against the oxidative damage which can cause inflammation.
Manchester team, based in the Arthritis Research Campaign's Epidemiology Unit,
worked with researchers from the Institute of Public Health at the University of
Cambridge to analyse health questionnaires and diet diaries by over 25000 45-74
year-olds; completed as part of the EPIC (European Prospective Investigation of
Cancer) Norfolk study of diet and chronic disease in the 1990s. They then
followed-up the participants over a nine year period to identify new cases of
inflammatory polyarthritis (IP), including rheumatoid arthritis.
Dorothy Pattison, who led the research, said: "We found that the average
daily beta-cryptoxanthin intake of the 88 patients who had developed
inflammatory polyarthritis was 40% lower than those who hadn't, and their intake
of another carotenoid, zeaxanthin, was 20% lower.
in the top third for beta-cryptoxanthin intake were only half as likely to
develop IP as those in the lowest third, and vitamin C was also found to be an
important factor."
findings appear to confirm previous evidence that a modest increase in fruit and
vegetables containing beta-cryptoxanthin and vitamin C, equivalent to one glass
of freshly-squeezed orange juice each day, might help to protect against
developing inflammatory joint diseases.
Pattison has previously published research which found that both low intakes of
fruit and vegetables (in particular those high in vitamin C), and high levels of
red meat consumption were associated with an increased risk of developing IP.
(Aug. 2005)