Wandelen op ongelijke bodem goed voor uw gezondheid.*

Uit een onderzoek blijkt dat het iedere dag 30 minuten wandelen op kasseien (kinderkopjes) of andere vergelijkbare bodem goed is voor uw gezondheid. Na een paar maanden daalt uw bloeddruk duidelijk en wordt uw evenwichtsbalans aanzienlijk beter, waardoor de kans op vallen sterk vermindert. Ideaal dus voor senioren.

Cobblestone Walking May Improve Your Health

Walking on cobblestones may put you on the path to better health, according to an Oregon Research Institute study.

The study of 108 people over age 60 found that walking on a mat of smooth, rounded cobblestones for 30 minutes a day for four months significantly lowered blood pressure and improved balance, the Associated Press reported.

The study was published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

The researchers decided to study how walking on cobblestones may affect health after they saw people in China exercising and walking back and forth on cobblestone paths.

"We noticed in several cities we visited that people were walking on cobblestone paths, and people were standing on them, and sometimes dancing on them, doing weight-shifting," study leader John Fisher told the AP (Juli 2005)

