Pesticiden mogelijk oorzaak ziekte van Parkinson.*
Weer een onderzoek waaruit blijkt dat pesticiden de of een
van de mogelijke oorzaken van de ziekte van Parkinson zijn. Mensen met de deze
ziekte blijken in hun leven pesticiden gebruikt hebben. Bijv. mensen die in hun
eigen tuin deze wel eens gebruiken blijken 9% meer kans te hebben op de ziekte.
Mensen die vaker en op grote schaal pesticiden gebruikten, zoals landbouwers,
hebben wel 43% meer kans.
Overigens niet alleen pesticiden verhogen de kans, mensen
met Parkinson in de familie hebben wel 350% meer kans
Exposure to pesticides can
cause Parkinson's
SUSPICIONS that pesticides
could cause Parkinson's disease have been strengthened. The more pesticide you
are exposed to, the higher your risk of developing the disease, say
investigators who have studied almost 3000 people in five European countries.
The results reinforce the need for amateur gardeners and farmers alike to wear
protective equipment when spraying pesticides, the team concludes.
"It considerably
strengthens the case for pesticides being relevant to occupational risk of
Parkinson's disease," says Anthony Seaton of the University of Aberdeen,
UK, principal investigator of the Geoparkinson study, which was funded by the
European Commission and followed volunteers in Scotland, Italy, Sweden, Romania
and Malta. Researchers questioned 767 people with Parkinson's disease and 1989
healthy controls with similar backgrounds about several risk factors associated
with the disease, including exposure to pesticides.
People with Parkinson's were
more likely to have used pesticides regularly. Users with low exposure such as
amateur gardeners were 9 per cent more likely than non-users to develop the
disease, and high-exposure users such as farmers were 43 per cent more likely.
David Coggon of the
University of Southampton, UK, and chairman of the British government's Advisory
Committee on Pesticides, said the study's weakness, acknowledged by the authors,
is that it could not identify which pesticides were responsible. "It's
possible that just one or two are causing it, but slipped through the regulatory
net," says Coggon. It would be more helpful, he adds, for studies to
monitor exposure to individual pesticides as and when they are used, rather than
relying on people's memories of their usage.
“The more pesticide you
are exposed to, the higher your risk of developing Parkinson's”
To put the pesticide risks
into perspective, Seaton says that the study identified other, much stronger
risk factors. Having a family history of the disease increases your risk by 350
per cent, although they found no link between risk of Parkinson's and 18 gene
mutations suspected of causing the disease. Being knocked unconscious once
raises the risk by 32 per cent, rising to 174 per cent for those who have been
knocked out several times. (Juni 2005)