Schadelijke stoffen in bewerkt voedsel?*

Uit een studie in Canada blijkt dat bij het koken van voedsel aminozuren en suikers afgebroken kunnen worden tot de stof furan. Furan is een chemische stof die normaal snel vervliegt maar als die niet kan ontsnappen door het voedsel in te pakken in bijv. glas of blik blijft deze stof in het voedsel aanwezig. Furan is een potentieel gevaarlijke stof die bij dierproeven in verband gebracht werd met het ontstaan van kanker. Uit nog niets blijkt dat deze ook gevaarlijk zou zijn voor de mens doch oppassen kan geen kwaad.

McGill Researchers Shed Light On Formation Of Carcinogen In Processed Food Products

Furan, a potentially dangerous chemical, has been found by Health Canada and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in processed foods, especially canned or bottled foods. A new study by McGill researchers Varoujan Yaylayan and graduate student Carolina Perez Locas explains the presence of this chemical in a wide range of food products. The study, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, shows how food-based amino acids and sugars break down when heated to produce furan. It also identifies other food components, such as vitamin C and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which may produce furan as an unwanted by-product of cooking, bottling or canning food products.

"Furan and its derivatives sometimes form when amino acids or sugars are broken down by the heat of cooking," explains Yaylayan. "Normally, furan is a volatile chemical which tends to quickly evaporate. However, when it cannot escape for some reason, for example if it is in sealed cans or jars, then it remains present in the food for some time."

While traces of furan and furan-containing products have been found in some processed and cooked products, especially canned and bottled foods, there's no reason for consumers to change their shopping habits, according to government health agencies. The quantities of furan in foods are well below what is considered dangerous.

Although furans have been linked to cancer in experimental animals, there is no direct evidence that furans are human carcinogens.

"Even so," says Yaylayan, "food companies and government agencies are keeping a close eye on the situation. It's important to know exactly what chemicals are present in food, and to understand how they form during processing."  (Febr. 2005)  

(Opm. Weer een reden om gewoon verse groente en fruit en geen kant en klare voeding te kopen.)
