Om gezond te blijven regelmatig bewegen.
Uit een studie van muizen blijkt dat de overlevingskans van
muizen die de eerste dagen wat deden bewegen nadat ze ingespoten waren met een
griepvirus, wel 60% minder kans hadden dood te gaan dan muizen die niets deden.
Op zich bewijst deze studie nog niet dat dit ook voor mensen zou gelden doch
voorkomen is beter dan genezen want je kunt nooit weten wanneer je een virus
After Flu Exposure, Mild
Exercise Protects Mature Mice From Dying, But Not From Developing Symptoms
Takeaway message: Exercise
regularly to stay healthy
Austin, Texas (Oct. 6, 2004)
– University of Illinois researchers report that four consecutive days of
moderate exercise in mice after they were infected with influenza protects them
from dying, compared with mice that didn’t exercise. This protective effect
was more evident in mice greater than 16 weeks of age, an age at which they are
immunologically more mature. The takeaway message: exercise regularly because
you never know when you’ll be exposed!
Jeffrey A. Woods, PhD., and
graduate student Tom Lowder at the Physical Fitness Laboratory, Department of
Kinesiology, University of Illinois, Urbana, said their lab has a long-time
interest in exercise and its influence on the immune system. (See “Exercise
delays allogeneic tumor growth and reduces intratumoral inflammation and
vascularization,” by Mark R. Zielinski et al., Journal of Applied Physiology,
June 2004, published by the American Physiological Society.)
“We had completed a lot of
in vitro studies, but we wanted to study now how exercise affected animals
against a real infectious challenge,” Woods said. The question they addressed
in their study, “Protective effect of exercise on mortality due to influenza
in mice,” was “can exercise protect against morbidity and mortality?”
While exercise protected mice from mortality, it didn’t seem to have any
affect on gross measures of sickness behavior like food intake and cage
Editors note: Woods and Lowder
are reporting their findings at the American Physiological Society’s 2004
Intersociety Meeting, “The Integrative Biology of Exercise,” Oct. 6-9 in
Austin. The meeting schedule can be found at
( The complete
program, including abstracts, for the entire meeting is available upon request
to members of the media.
Arrangements for on-site
interviews, or telephone interviews during the meeting can be arranged through
APS Communications Officer Mayer Resnick (cell: 301.332.4402, or through Stacy Brooks, APS Communications Specialist,
301.634.7253. From Oct. 6
(2p.m.) - Oct. 9, the onsite phone number is 512.482.8000, room 602, or
Daily exercise until symptoms
are present
Male mice 11-20 weeks old were
infected with influenza virus and then randomly assigned to exercise (EX) or
home cage control (HCC). The EX mice were exercised for 20 to 30 minutes for
four days and multiple subjective and standard measurements were recorded.
“The animals did very
moderate exercise while they were mounting an immune response,” Woods noted.
As soon as symptoms appeared, exercise was stopped, to mirror how most people
react once they come down with flu-like symptoms. The mice were naïve, that is,
they previously hadn’t been exercising on a regular basis.
Results both striking and
surprising; human flu vaccine reaction study underway
20-week-old mice that had
exercised had significantly (p=0.008) higher survival rates (18 of 22) versus
HCC of the same age (10 of 22). However, 11- to 16-week-old mice didn’t show a
significantly higher survival rate. When all EX mice (47) were compared with all
HCC mice (48), EX had twice the survival rate, 59% vs. 29.4% (p=0.003). None of
the variables (food/water intake, random activity or symptom severity) proved to
be reliable at predicting mortality. However, severe lethargy was apparent one
to two days prior to death. And while there was a “marked, age-dependent
effect on mortality, there was no effect at all on morbidity, which was somewhat
surprising,” Woods said.
The Illinois researchers plan
on doing followup studies with animals that had been exercising regularly, as
well as studies that to try and uncover the overall protective effect and its
mechanisms. Areas that they’ll be studying include: lung histopathology,
cytokine gene and protein expression in the lung, and possible development of
flu-specific immune cells.
At the moment, the laboratory
also has a large NIH-funded human clinical trial underway examining whether or
not moderate exercise training can improve immunological vigor --including
responses to influenza vaccine -- in older adults. (okt. 2004)