Gezond leven zeker ook levensverlengend voor ouderen.
Ook voor 70- tot 90-jarigen is gezond leven nog
levensverlengend. Met mediterrane voeding, niet roken, matig alcoholgebruik en
dagelijks wel 30 minuten bewegen verlagen ze hun kans om binnen tien jaar te
sterven met bijna tweederde, vergeleken met leeftijds- en geslachtsgenoten die
zich niets aantrekken van die vier voeding- en leefstijladviezen.
Dat gezond leven op jongere leeftijd tot een langer leven
leidt was bekend. Nu blijkt dat ook bejaarden jaren kunnen winnen met een
gezonde levensstijl.
De resultaten komen uit onderzoek van voedingsonderzoekers
van Wageningen Universiteit die samenwerkten met Spaanse, Italiaanse en Franse
collega's. Zij volgden tien jaar lang 1.507 mannen en 832 vrouwen, van 70 tot 90
jaar, in elf Europese landen. In de onderzoeksperiode, 1990-2000, overleden 935
van hen. Een analyse van hun leefpatroon liet zien dat niet roken en wel bewegen
de kans om te overlijden in een bepaald jaar met zo'n 35 procent verlaagt. Het
mediterrane dieet en matig alcoholgebruik verlagen de kans met ruim 20 procent.
Een mediterraan dieet bestaat uit veel groenten, fruit, noten
en granen, peulvruchten, vis en olijfolie. Vlees, boter en melkproducten staan
niet zo vaak op het menu.
Twee Amerikaanse voedingsepidemiologen stellen nog dat de
bestrijding van chronische ziekten miljarden kost, terwijl voor een fractie van
dat bedrag leefstijl-adviezen mogelijk zijn.
Even Elderly Benefit From
Mediterranean Diet
That and a healthy lifestyle raise
life expectancy, study says
-- A
Mediterranean diet, coupled with a few healthy lifestyle habits, can add years
to the lives of even the elderly, a new Dutch study finds.
Mediterranean diet rich in plant foods in combination with nonsmoking, moderate
alcohol consumption, and at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day is
associated with a lower mortality rate even in old age," said lead
researcher Kim Knoops, a professor of human nutrition at Wageningen University.
In the case of this study, the combination of changes led to a 65 percent
reduction in overall death rates.
supports the hypothesis that subjects with a Mediterranean diet and healthy
lifestyle are less likely to die from all causes, and from coronary heart
disease, cardiovascular diseases and cancer, even at ages 70 to 90," Knoops
Knoops and her
colleagues collected data on 1,507 healthy men and 832 women, aged 70 to 90, in
11 European countries from 1988 to 2000. Their findings appear in the Sept.
22/29 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
A Mediterranean
diet is one rich in fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, whole grains, and fats such
as olive oil. The diet is low in red meat and dairy products.
"Diet and
lifestyle can reduce mortality from cardiovascular diseases, coronary heart
diseases and cancer," Knoops stressed.
In another study
in the same issue, Italian researchers report that a Mediterranean diet benefits
those with metabolic syndrome, which is an early sign of type 2 diabetes and
heart disease.
Signs of
metabolic syndrome (also known as Syndrome X) include obesity, high blood
pressure, high cholesterol, high levels of blood glucose, high blood insulin
levels, and high levels of triglycerides.
In addition, the
syndrome affects endothelial cells. These cells line blood vessels, and they are
important in reducing vascular inflammation, which is believed to lead to
cardiovascular disease.
Mediterranean-style diet, like that used in our study, reduced the prevalence of
the metabolic syndrome by a half," said lead researcher Dr. Dario
Giugliano, a professor of metabolic diseases at the Second University of Naples.
In the study, 180
patients with metabolic syndrome were randomly assigned to follow a
Mediterranean diet while the other patients followed a prudent diet that
included 50 percent to 60 percent carbohydrates, 15 percent to 20 percent
proteins, and less than 30 percent fat.
After two years,
those following the Mediterranean diet had significant reductions in weight,
blood pressure, levels of blood glucose, insulin levels, and cholesterol and
triglyceride levels when compared to the group that simply followed a prudent
diet. In addition, markers of inflammation were also reduced.
Giugliano's team
found that endothelial function also improved for those on the Mediterranean
diet, but stayed the same in those on the prudent diet.
Of the 90 people
on the Mediterranean diet, 40 still had metabolic syndrome compared with 78 of
the 90 patients not on that diet. However, when the components of metabolic
syndrome were taken together, there was an overall 50 percent reduction in the
syndrome, the researchers reported.
syndrome is a forerunner of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease,"
Giugliano said. "Patients with the metabolic syndrome -- a quarter of the
adult population in the U.S. -- are at high risk for developing type 2 diabetes
and for cardiovascular events."
"This study
may be particularly important in reducing the incidence of the metabolic
syndrome, and hence that of diabetes and cardiovascular risk," Giugliano
said. "Eat well and stay well; this is particularly important for those
persons who fail to lose weight or increase exercise, which are other means to
reduce cardiovascular risk."
The advantage of
the Mediterranean diet is that it is not as restrictive as some of the other
diets that are out there, said Eric B. Rimm, an associate professor of
epidemiology and nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health.
"It's not
the Atkins diet, it's not the Zone, it's relatively close to the South Beach
diet, but the Mediterranean diet includes alcohol. I think it's very easy to fit
it into a lifestyle in this country," said Rimm.
"I think
it's important to pick something you are comfortable with and that you can live
with as a lifestyle choice forever -- the Mediterranean diet fits that quite
nicely," he said.
"I am amazed
at how much chronic disease mortality can be prevented," Rimm said.
"There are really some pretty simple lifestyle choices that can be made so
people can prolong their life substantially."
Rimm, co-author
of an accompanying editorial, pointed out that billions are spent each year on
treating people for chronic conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.
"This country should wake up and spend a lot more money on training people
to live a healthy lifestyle. It could be a substantial benefit for health-care
costs as well as for longevity," he said.(sept.2004)