Soja en isoflavonen goed tegen hoge bloeddruk en totaal cholesterol*

Een dagelijkse comsumptie van 20 gram sojaproteïne en 80 mg isoflavonen gedurende 5 weken geeft een duidelijke verlaging van de bloeddruk en het totaal cholesterol, waarbij het goede cholesterol hoger word.

Effects of Dietary Intake of Soy Protein and Isoflavones on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in High Risk, Middle-Aged Men in Scotland

Miki Sagara, MS, Tomo Kanda, PhD, Marina NJelekera, MD, Takanori Teramoto, MS, Lesley Armitage, MS, Nina Birt, MS, Christopher Birt, MD, PhD and Yukio Yamori, MD, PhD, FACN

Objective: To investigate the effects of soy protein and isoflavones on blood pressure (BP) and cholesterol levels among high risk middle-aged Scottish men.

Design: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group dietary intervention study

Setting: Inhabitants on Isles of Lewis and Harris in Scotland

Subjects: Sixty-one men with relatively higher BP and/or total cholesterol (TC) levels aged 45 to 59 went through the dietary intervention.

Intervention: Diets containing at least 20 g of soy protein and 80 mg of isoflavones were compared to the placebo diets. Intervention period was 5 weeks duration.

Results: Significant difference was found in 24-hour urinary isoflavone excretion between the two groups after intervention. Significant reductions from the baselines were observed in systolic BP (SBP) and diastolic BP (DBP), TC and non-high density lipoprotein cholesterol (non-HDL-C) in the soy-containing diet group, but not in the olive oil containing active placebo group. Significant increases in high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) were observed in both groups.

Conclusion: Dietary intakes of soy protein (at least 20 g) and isoflavones (at least 80 mg) for 5 weeks would be effective in reducing CHD risk among high-risk, middle-aged men.( 2004 edition of the Journal of the American College of Nutrition)

