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Ontbijt tegen overgewicht*
Uit een studie, weliswaar met muizen blijkt dat het overslaan van het ontbijt de kans op overgewicht doet vergroten. De muizen werden onder verschillende condities getest, zoals voeding naar behoefte als calorie beperkte voeding. Het overslaan van het ontbijt bleek in alle gevallen de perifere klok te verstoren en te zorgen voor een hoger vetmetabolisme wat op termijn tot overgewicht kan leiden. (De biologische klok vertelt het lichaam hoe laat het is. Verschillende organen, maken gebruik van die informatie om te bepalen wanneer het orgaan actief moet zijn. Doch die organen hebben ook zelf een perifere klok, die redelijk onafhankelijk van de centrale klok hun activiteit al dan niet kan stimuleren.) 
Early nocturnal meal skipping alters the peripheral clock and increases lipogenesis in mice
Chika Yoshida, Nahoko Shikata, Shinobu Seki, Naoto Koyama and Yasushi Noguchi* 
· * Corresponding author: Yasushi Noguchi yasushi_noguchi@ajinomoto.com 
Nutrition & Metabolism 2012, 9:78 doi:10.1186/1743-7075-9-78
Published: 10 September 2012 
In humans, skipping meals, especially breakfast, has been associated with obesity and other related syndromes. Recent studies in rodents suggest that fasting and feeding times are potential factors that affect the peripheral circadian clocks and metabolism. However, the link between fasting and obesity in rodents has yet to be fully demonstrated. 
We conducted early nocturnal fasting (ENF) from zeitgeber time (ZT) 12 to 18 for 4 consecutive days in C57B6 mice. The first set of experiments was performed under ad libitum conditions, where ENF and free-feeding (FF) control groups were compared. The second set was performed under isocaloric adjustment by restricting the diet to 90% of the basal intake of ENF mice. Calorie-restricted ENF (ENF-CR) mice were then compared with isocaloric controls (IC-control). Body weight, food intake, core body temperature, activity, adiposity, and clock-related gene expression levels in the liver and adipose tissues were investigated. A stable isotopic analysis was also conducted to estimate de novo lipogenesis fluxes. 
In the ad libitum condition, the ENF mice ate more during the day, increased their overall daily food intake and gained more weight than FF-control mice. The amplitude of the body core temperature rhythm in ENF mice was also lower than in the FF-controls. Under isocaloric conditions, ENF-CR attenuated the CR-induced body weight loss, compared with the IC-control. ENF-CR also altered the acrophase time of the expression of the clock genes, which is associated with time-shift of genes involved in lipid metabolism and increased lipogenesis, compared with the IC-control. 
ENF in nocturnal mice disturbs the peripheral clock and increases de novo lipid synthesis and results in a predisposition to obesity. 
De volledige studie. (December 2012)



