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Granaatappelsap tegen nierproblemen*
Uit een kleine Israëlische studie onder honderd dialysepatiënten blijkt dat het drinken van regelmatig granaatappelsap de nieren kan beschermen tegen ontstekingen en infecties. De patiënten kregen een jaar lang drie eer in de week granaatappelsap of een placebo. Aan het eind van de studie bleken de deelnemers die granaatappelsap gehad hadden duidelijk minder last te hebben gehad van infecties en ziekenhuisopname's hiervoor. Hadden zij ook duidelijk minder complicaties, een lagere bloeddruk en duidelijk minder markers voor hart- en vaatziektes in hun bloed.
Pomegranates provide amazing protection against tissue damage, inflammation
The health benefits of eating pomegranates are numerous, and a new study presented at the American Society of Nephrology's 43rd Annual Meeting and Scientific Exposition in Denver, Colo., has discovered yet another. According to the report, the potent antioxidant profile of pomegranates helps to reduce inflammation, prevent damage caused by oxidative stress, and minimize complications associated with kidney disease and its conventional treatment protocols.
For the study, researchers administered either pomegranate juice or a placebo drink to 101 patients undergoing dialysis for kidney disease. Patients consumed the drinks three times a week for an entire year. At the end of the evaluation period, patients in the pomegranate juice group had less infections that required hospitalization, and reduced oxidative damage to cells caused by harmful free radicals.
In addition to specific improvements related to kidney disease, patients also experienced reduced blood pressure and an overall improvement in factors associated with a healthy heart. These improvements are specifically important for kidney disease patients since most end up dying from cardiovascular-related events.
"Considering the expected epidemic of chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients in the next decade, further clinical trials using pomegranate juice aimed at reducing the high cardiovascular morbidity of CKD patients and their deterioration to end-stage renal disease should be conducted," said Dr. Batya Kristal, one of the authors of the study. (Februari 2011) 




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