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Mediterraan beter dan vetarm dieet bij diabetes*
Uit een Italiaanse studie onder 215 patiënten waarbij de diagnose diabetes type-2 was gesteld blijkt dat een mediterraan dieet veel effectiever te zijn dan een vetarm dieet. De 215 deelnemers volgende of een mediterraan dieet of een vetarm dieet en werden 4 jaar lang intensief begeleid. Na 4 jaar bleek 44% van de deelnemers in de mediterrane groep extra medicijnen nodig te hebben terwijl dat percentage in de vetarme groep 70 bedroeg. Verder hadden de deelnemers met het mediterraan dieet meer gewicht verloren en duidelijk minder risicofactoren voor hart- en vaatziekte.
Mediterranean Diet Trumps Low-fat Diet For Diabetes Management
In one of the longest-term randomized trials of its kind, researchers compared the effects of a Mediterranean-style diet versus a typical low-fat diet for diabetes management. The trial was designed to assess the effectiveness, durability, and safety of the two diets on the need for diabetes medications in overweight patients with newly-diagnosed type 2 diabetes. 
Researchers randomly assigned 215 patients to follow either a low carbohydrate, Mediterranean-style diet or a low-fat diet for four years. Nutritionists and dietitians counseled both groups in monthly sessions for the first year and bimonthly sessions for the next three years. After four years, 44 percent of patients in the Mediterranean-style diet group required antihyperglycemic drug therapy compared to 70 percent in the low-fat diet group. Patients in the Mediterranean diet group also experienced greater weight loss and an improvement in some coronary risk factors. 
Patients on a Mediterranean diet mainly consume fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, fish, and whole grains. The diet focuses on natural foods and healthy fats while eliminating processed foods. 
Annals of Internal Medicine is one of the five most widely cited peer-reviewed medical journals in the world. The journal has been published for 82 years and accepts only 7 percent of the original research studies submitted for publication. Annals of Internal Medicine is published by the American College of Physicians. 
American College of Physicians (
Oktober 2009)


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