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Welke suikers zijn slecht: fructose of glucose?*
En gemiddelde Amerikaan verbruikt jaarlijks ongeveer 64 kg suiker, waarvan het merendeel door het drinken van frisdranken. Vandaar dat nu in een studie van 10 weken eens bekeken werd of het nu de fructose of de glucose is die de meeste negatieve gevolgen heeft voor de gezondheid. Daarvoor kregen deelnemers met overgewicht of frisdranken met of fructose of met glucose. Alleen de deelnemers met de fructosedrankjes werden minder gevoelig voor insuline, kregen meer buikvet en hadden meer vetmoleculen in hun bloed. Allemaal symptomen voor het metaboolsyndroom.
Too Much Sugar Is Bad, But Which Sugar Is Worse: Fructose Or Glucose?
In 2005, the average American consumed 64kg of added sugar, a sizeable proportion of which came through drinking soft drinks. Now, in a 10-week study, Peter Havel and colleagues, at the University of California at Davis, Davis, have provided evidence that human consumption of fructose-sweetened but not glucose-sweetened beverages can adversely affect both sensitivity to the hormone insulin and how the body handles fats, creating medical conditions that increase susceptibility to heart attack and stroke. 
In the study, overweight and obese individuals consumed glucose- or fructose-sweetened beverages that provided 25% of their energy requirements for 10 weeks. During this period, individuals in both groups put on about the same amount of weight, but only those consuming fructose-sweetened beverages exhibited an increase in intraabdominal fat. Further, only these individuals became less sensitive to the hormone insulin (which controls glucose levels in the blood) and showed signs of dyslipidemia (increased levels of fat-soluble molecules known as lipids in the blood). As discussed in an accompanying commentary by Susanna Hofmann and Matthias Tschöp, although these are signs of the metabolic syndrome, which increases an individual's risk of heart attack, the long-term affects of fructose over-consumption on susceptibility to heart attack remain unknown. 
TITLE: Consuming fructose-sweetened, not glucose-sweetened, beverages increases visceral adiposity and lipids and decreases insulin sensitivity in overweight/obese humans 
Karen Honey 
Journal of Clinical Investigation (
Juni 2009)


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