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Meerokende peuter heeft veel vaker last van allergieën.*
Uit een Zweedse studie onder ruim 4.000 gezinnen blijkt dat kinderen die de eerste vier jaar van hun leven blootstaan aan tabaksrook, veel meer kans hebben een allergie te krijgen. Die kans is wel twee keer groter voor allergenen die thuis ingeademd worden en 50% groter voor voedselallergieën. In vier procent van de onderzoeksgezinnen rookten beide ouders in de nabijheid van hun kind. Bij één op de vijf kinderen rookte slechts één ouder.
Andere studies hebben al aangetoond dat het roken door de moeder tijdens de zwangerschap de baby een vergrote kans geeft op o.m. longbeschadigingen, diabetes, gedragsproblemen en astma.
Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and sensitisation in children 
Eva Lannerö 1*, Magnus Wickerman 1, Marianne van Hage 2, Anna Bergström 1, Göran Pershagen 1 and Lennart Nordvall 3 
1 Institute of Environmental Medicine, KI, Sweden
2 Clinical and Allergy Unit, Department of medicine, KI, Sweden
3 Department of Women's and Children's Health, Uppsala University, Sweden
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: eva.lannero@ki.se . 
Background: Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke increases the risk of respiratory illness in children but data are inconclusive regarding the risk of IgE-sensitisation. 
Objective: To elucidate whether exposure to smoking pre- and/or postnatally is related to IgE-sensitisation in children at 4 years of age. 
Methods: As part of a prospective birth cohort study (BAMSE) a total of 4,089 families with children answered questionnaires when the child was 2 months, 1, 2 and 4 years on environmental factors and symptoms of allergic disease. Blood collected at age 4 years from 2,614 children was analysed for IgE antibodies to common inhalant and food allergens. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated using logistic regression with adjustments for potential confounders.
Results: There was no evident association between maternal smoking during pregnancy and risk of IgE-sensitisation. In contrast, a dose-response effect was found for exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) from parental smoking during the first few months of life and IgE-sensitisation. There was an increased risk for sensitisation to inhalant and/or food allergens, ORadj= 1.28, (95% CI 1.01 to 1.62), among children exposed to ETS at 2 months of age. The risk appeared particularly elevated for indoor inhalant allergens, such as cat (ORadj 1.96; 95% CI 1.28 to 2.99), and for food allergens (ORadj 1.46; 95% CI 1.11 to 1.93). The IgE sensitising effect of ETS seemed to be confined to infants of parents without allergic diseases and to ETS exposure during early infancy. 
Conclusions: Our data indicate that exposure in early infancy to ETS increases the risk of IgE-sensitisation to indoor inhalant and food allergens. (
December 2007)



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