vitamine D waarden verhogen risico op kanker.*
een wetenschappelijk onderzoek blijkt dat ruim voldoende inname van vitamine
D 17% minder kans geeft op het krijgen van kanker en 29% minder kans op het
doodgaan aan kanker. Op het ontstaan van kanker aan delen van het
spijsverteringssysteem is dat zelfs 43% minder en de sterfte hieraan 45%
minder. De onderzoekers adviseren om dagelijks wel 37,5 mcg vitamine D in te
nemen. Een half uur blootstelling aan zonlicht geeft gemiddeld 500 mcg
vitamine D.
Vitamin D Levels Associated With Increased Total Cancer Incidence
levels of vitamin D may be associated with increased total cancer incidence
and mortality in men, particularly for cancers of the digestive system,
according to a study in the April issue of the Journal of the National
Cancer Institute.
Previous studies have suggested that sunlight exposure and increased vitamin
D intake is associated with a reduced risk of certain cancers, particularly
cancers involving the digestive system. Thirty minutes of sunlight exposure
for a person with light skin can produce approximately 20,000 IU of vitamin
D. Recent studies have suggested daily intake of vitamin D should be
increased from 400 IU to 1000 IU.
Edward Giovannucci, M.D., Sc.D., of Harvard School of Public Health, and
colleagues examined vitamin D exposure and cancer incidence for 47,800 men
in the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study cohort. Between 1986 and January
31, 2000, the authors documented 4286 cases of cancer, and 2025 cancer
deaths. They estimated vitamin D levels by recording each man's dietary
intake and supplementation, skin pigmentation, adiposity, geographic
residence, and leisure-time physical activity.
The authors observed that an increase in estimated vitamin D levels
equivalent to 1500 IU of vitamin D daily, was associated with a 17%
reduction in total cancer incidence, 29% reduction in total cancer mortality,
and 43% and 45% reduction in incidence and mortality from digestive system
cancers. Among men with the lowest vitamin D exposure, there were 758 cases
of cancer diagnosed per 100,000 men and 326 cancer deaths per 100,000
annually. Among men with the highest vitamin D exposure, there were 674
cancers diagnosed per 100,000 men and 272 cancer deaths per 100,000. The
authors suggest that low levels of vitamin D may be associated with
increased cancer risk, and they suggest that daily supplementation with at
least 1500 IU of vitamin D may be required to optimize benefits on cancer
The authors write, "Confirming that vitamin D levels indeed account for
the associations we observed is critical because current health
recommendations typically discourage high intake of vitamin D and high
levels of sun exposure, at least without use of sunscreen, which effectively
blocks vitamin D production."
In an accompanying editorial, Gary G. Schwartz, Ph.D., of Wake Forest
University in Winston-Salem, and William J. Blot, Ph.D., of the
International Epidemiology Institute in Rockville, compliment the findings
of Giovannucci and colleagues and suggest the findings support past
epidemiologic observations. They write, "The promising results from
both observational and laboratory studies should usher in a new era of
intervention studies of vitamin D and cancer risk. Because many public
health scientists are already clamoring for higher levels of vitamin D
supplementation for bone and other health, randomized trials of vitamin D
and cancer risk should be undertaken speedily. If the promise of vitamin D
holds, a brief walk in the sun may turn out to be a step toward cancer
Article: Robin Herman, Assistant Dean of Communications, Harvard University,
Editorial: Karen Richardson, Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center,
Article: Giovannucci E, Liu Y, Rimm EB, Hollis BW, Fuchs CS, Stampfer MJ, et
al. A Prospective Study of Predictors of Vitamin D Status and Cancer
Incidence and Mortality in Men. J Natl Cancer Inst 2006; 98:451-459.
Editorial: Schwartz GG, Blot WJ. Vitamin D Status and Cancer Incidence and
Mortality: Something New Under the Sun. J Natl Cancer Inst 2006; 98:428-430.
Note: The Journal of the National Cancer Institute is published by Oxford
University Press and is not affiliated with the National Cancer Institute.
Attribution to the Journal of the National Cancer Institute is requested in
all news coverage. Visit the Journal online at
Contact: Ariel Whitworth
of the National Cancer Institute (april
2006) (Opm. Regelmatig (bewegen) in de
zon is dus goed tegen kanker)