Chemische stoffen in milieu veroorzaken meer kankers dan gedacht.*
Onderzoek door de universiteit van Liverpool geeft aan dat chemische stoffen zoals pesticiden meer invloed hebben op het ontstaan van kanker dan tot op heden aangenomen werd. Deze invloed is vooral merkbaar bij kinderen en jong volwassenen. Het zijn vooral de organochlorines en de hiervan afgeleide dioxines waarvan altijd gedacht werd dat de concentraties te laag waren om gevaarlijk te zijn. Nu blijkt het tegendeel. De synthetische pesticiden en organochlorines doen ook de hormoonhuishouding ontregelen waardoor de kans op hormoongevoelige kankers zoals borst- en prostaatkanker veel groter wordt.
Chemicals Implicated In Cancer, Say Experts
research at the University of Liverpool suggests that environmental
contaminants, such as pesticides, are more influential in causing cancer
than previously thought.
Previous studies in cancer causation have often concluded that exposure to
carcinogenic or endocrine disrupting chemicals, for example, organochlorines
(OC), found in pesticides and plastics, occurs at concentrations that are
too low to be considered a major factor in cancerous disease. Now new
research at the University of Liverpool, published in the Journal of
Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, has found that exposure even to
small amounts of these chemicals may result in an increased risk of
developing cancer, particularly for infants and young adults.
The research consisted of systematic reviewing of recent studies and
literature concerning the environment and cancer, and was supported by the
Cancer Prevention and Education Society. Professor Vyvyan Howard and John
Newby, from the University's Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Biology,
also found that genetic variations, which can predispose some people to
cancer, may interact with environmental contaminants and produce an enhanced
Professor Howard said: "Organochlorines are persistent organic
pollutants (POPs), which disperse over long distances and bioaccumulate in
the food chain. For humans the main source of OC exposure is from diet,
primarily through meat and dairy products. Children are exposed to dioxin, a
by-product of OCs, through food; dioxin and other POPs can also cross the
placenta and endanger babies in the womb. Breastfed infants can be exposed
to OCs with endocrine disrupting properties that have accumulated in breast
milk. Our research looks at involuntary exposure to these chemicals in the
air, food and water.
"Environmental contaminants, in particular synthetic pesticides and
organochlorines with hormone-disrupting properties, could be a major factor
in causing hormone-dependent malignancies such as breast, testicular and
prostate cancers. Preventative measures for these types of cancer have
focused on educating the public about the danger of tobacco smoke, improving
diet and promoting physical activity. We should now, however, be focusing on
trying to reduce exposure to problematic chemicals."
The research team has also looked at anecdotal evidence, from practicing
physicians in pre-industrial societies, which suggests that cancerous
disease was rare amongst particular communities, such as the Canadian Inuits
and Brazilian Indians. This suggests that cancer is a disease of
Professor Howard added: "The World Health Organisation estimates that
between one and five percent of malignant disease in developed countries is
attributed to environmental factors; but our research suggests this figure
may have been underestimated."
Jamie Page, Chairman of Cancer Prevention and Education said: "This
research is very important and suggests that there are links between
chemicals and cancer. It is our opinion that if progress if to be made in
the fight against cancer, far more attention and effort must be made to
reduce human exposure to harmful chemicals."
Professor Howard's finding will be published in the Taylor & Francis
Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine and can be viewed at
Notes to editors
1. Increasing cancer incidence in the United Kingdom from 1971 to 1999;
(Office for National Statistics 1971-99)
* Non- Hodgkin's Lymphoma has risen 196% in men and 214% in women,
* The incidence of prostate cancer and testicular cancer have increased by
152% and 139% respectively,
* Breast cancer has risen by 75%; and multiple myeloma has increased by 100%
and 86% in men and women respectively,
* The incidence of prostate cancer now exceeds the incidence of lung cancer
in men.
2. Worldwide since 1990 cancer incidence has increased by 19% and cancer
incidence rates are set to increase by 50% by 2020. (World Cancer Report
2003, Frankiish, 2003, Shibuya et al., 2002)
3. The overall rate of childhood, adolescent and young adult cancer
incidence rate is increasing by 1.5% per annum. (Birch et al., 2002,
Stiller, 2002, McNally et al., 2002)
4. The University of Liverpool is one of the UK's leading research
institutions. It attracts collaborative and contract research commissions
from a wide range of national and international organisations valued at more
than £90 million annually.
5. The objectives of The Cancer Prevention and Education Society are 'to
advance education and relieve sickness by the publication and dissemination
of research and reduction in the incidence of cancer.' More information
about the CPES can be found on
6. Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine is a quarterly Journal
published by Taylor and Francis. The editorial scope includes allergy and
environmental medicine. International in outlook and in content, the
journal's original articles and state-of-the-art reports on current clinical
practice are peer reviewed by practising clinicians and researchers.
Contact: Samantha Martin
( april 2006)