Vervroegd uittreden geeft meer kans op eerder doodgaan.*

In tegenstelling wat algemeen gedacht wordt blijkt uit dit onderzoek dat vervroegd uittreden bij 55 jaar niet zo gezond is. Je hebt dan 2x meer kans om dood te gaan voordat je 65 bent als zij die pas uittreden bij 60 jaar of later.

Retire early and raise your risk of dying earlier

Contrary to popular belief, if you retire early, say when you are 55, you are twice as likely to die before you are 65 than someone who retires at 65, according to researchers in Texas.
You can read about this study in the Oct. 22 issue of the British Medical Journal.
The researchers studied 3,500 Shell employees in Texas. Some had retired at 55, some at 60 and others at 65 (equal spread). In order to see whether retirement age bore any correlation to life expectancy, the employees were monitored for 25 years. The researchers made adjustments for such factors as sex, status and health (people who retired early for health reasons were excluded from the study).
The researchers found that the mortality rate for people aged 55 to 65 was twice as high among those retiring at 55 when compared to those who had retired at 65.
There was no difference between the mortality rate between those who retired at 60 and 65.
(Okt. 2005) (Opm. Wellicht een argument te bezien bij de discussies zowel in België als Nederland over het later uittreden.)

