Omega-3 vetzuren om langer te leven.*

Onlangs is een onderzoek geplubiceerd naar de resultaten van meer dan 11.000 trials van de laatste 40 jaar. Het betrof studies over de effecten van cholesterrol verlagende middelen zoals statines e.a.en omega3-vetzuren en de kans op doodgaan, niet alleen door hartproblemen maar door ander e oorzaken.Geen van de middellen verlaagde deze kans met uitzondering van de statines met 13% en let wel de omega-3 vetzuren met 23%.

In the prestigious Archives of Internal Medicine, a review article was published on the effect of different lipid-lowering agents and diets on your mortality. This was one of the most extensive meta-analyses ever seen. The researchers reviewed almost 11,000 clinical trials that were done between 1965 and June 2003, comparing lipid-lowering interventions to placebo or usual care. Of these clinical trials, 97 were randomized, controlled and reported mortality data in such a scientifically valid way to be used for further analysis. These 97 trials involved over 275,000 individuals. The studies reviewed the effects of various lipid-lowering agents such as the statins (Mevacor, Zocor, Pravachol, etc.), fibrates, bile acid-binding resins, niacin, diet and omega-3 fatty acids. The meta-analysis showed that the statin drugs lowered overall mortality by 13%. But even more significantly, the omega-3 fatty acids decreased overall mortality by 23%. They were almost twice as powerful at reducing death as the statins! Unfortunately, the other drugs studied had little or no effect on mortality.

Effect of Different Antilipidemic Agents and Diets on Mortality

A Systematic Review

Marco Studer, MD; Matthias Briel, MD; Bernd Leimenstoll, MD; Tracy R. Glass, MSc; Heiner C. Bucher, MD, MPH

Arch Intern Med. 2005;165:725-730.

Background  Guidelines for the prevention and treatment of hyperlipidemia are often based on trials using combined clinical end points. Mortality data are the most reliable data to assess efficacy of interventions. We aimed to assess efficacy and safety of different lipid-lowering interventions based on mortality data.

Methods  We conducted a systematic search of randomized controlled trials published up to June 2003, comparing any lipid-lowering intervention with placebo or usual diet with respect to mortality. Outcome measures were mortality from all, cardiac, and noncardiovascular causes.

Results  A total of 97 studies met eligibility criteria, with 137 140 individuals in intervention and 138 976 individuals in control groups. Compared with control groups, risk ratios for overall mortality were 0.87 for statins (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.81-0.94), 1.00 for fibrates (95% CI, 0.91-1.11), 0.84 for resins (95% CI, 0.66-1.08), 0.96 for niacin (95% CI, 0.86-1.08), 0.77 for n-3 fatty acids (95% CI, 0.63-0.94), and 0.97 for diet (95% CI, 0.91-1.04). Compared with control groups, risk ratios for cardiac mortality indicated benefit from statins (0.78; 95% CI, 0.72-0.84), resins (0.70; 95% CI, 0.50-0.99) and n-3 fatty acids (0.68; 95% CI, 0.52-0.90). Risk ratios for noncardiovascular mortality of any intervention indicated no association when compared with control groups, with the exception of fibrates (risk ratio, 1.13; 95% CI, 1.01-1.27).

Conclusions  Statins and n-3 fatty acids are the most favorable lipid-lowering interventions with reduced risks of overall and cardiac mortality. Any potential reduction in cardiac mortality from fibrates is offset by an increased risk of death from noncardiovascular causes.
Author Affiliations: Basel Institute for Clinical Epidemiology (Drs Studer, Briel, and Bucher and Ms Glass) and Department of Internal Medicine (Drs Studer and Leimenstoll), University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland.

( Mei 2005) (Opm. red.: Omega-3 vetzuren vindt u vooral in vette vissoorten zoals; haring, forel, zalm, makreel, paling, zalmforel en sardines)

